with my pipe,
we'll light,
night embrace stars and moonlight,
just beside,
a face full of delight,
shines beyond the soul with cries,
laughter and cheeks bright,
we'll have a flight
venus and saturn and mars,
tonight is only the night.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Night Night!
Night night,
just to write,
about the delight
lies in your eyes
Night night,
with your whispers
in my ears
by the reflexion
of the stars
and moon
filling the sky
beneath your eyebrow
beyond your smile
Night night
I need a flight
just right now
to meet you tonight
to close my eyes
forgetting the last fear
remembering where I
be cradled
be left
by sweet lips
within beautiful shoulder
embraced with caring hands
at night
when I had used to spend
lonely moments
at night
when I have been always
leaving my bed heading
a drive
sipping cafe;
dawn breeze,
and the shore,
the rocks,
the sea winds,
and my pipe,
at night
Night night.
just to write,
about the delight
lies in your eyes
Night night,
with your whispers
in my ears
by the reflexion
of the stars
and moon
filling the sky
beneath your eyebrow
beyond your smile
Night night
I need a flight
just right now
to meet you tonight
to close my eyes
forgetting the last fear
remembering where I
be cradled
be left
by sweet lips
within beautiful shoulder
embraced with caring hands
at night
when I had used to spend
lonely moments
at night
when I have been always
leaving my bed heading
a drive
sipping cafe;
dawn breeze,
and the shore,
the rocks,
the sea winds,
and my pipe,
at night
Night night.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
على يدي قبلتها
مساء عسل الزمبق مزهر بليلة، بالفضة البدر ألبسها،
صباح المسك سرح على بنان الأميرة عطر الأنفاس أسر الألباب مالت بحنينها،
روت عيون جفت من بكاها،
مسيتها ، لقيتها ، رنت ضحكتها بالأسماع ، سكرت القلوب ، وسال دمع الفرح على خدودها،
فرحها شرق مثل شمس لبنان تستحي مشيتها خلف جبالها،
بتفاحها برمانها ، بحلوها بعلقمها ، السكر ذاب علسان ضيفها،
وعلقمها أحلى من دمع فرحها،
بسمتها لاحت ملأت الليل سكبت الرمال فضة و لؤلؤا أنورتها،
بسمتها مثل شمس اليابان بعيدة وقريبة اسود الشجر من دفئها،
مالت برمشها غربت شوف العيون من عيون لبنان احمر القمر خجل حلاها،
البدر اللي بعينها أحزن من حزن القمر بالسما، أدمع عيون ضحكت من البكا من دمع تشوفه وماتشوفها،
الحيا من حيا مات ورا خدود للشمس أبعدت للغروب بشروقها ما هدا الشفق يغازلها،
يغازلها مايزعلها زعلها يرضيها مايدري كيف شمالية ولا غربية رياحها،
راحة يدي غازلتها قبلتها بجفون اختفى عذابي خلفها غربت للشفق يناديها،
ليه قبلت يدي اثقلتيها وين المغرب سراب مامشت أيامي إلا بليالي إنت من سوادها اختفيت فيها
صباح المسك سرح على بنان الأميرة عطر الأنفاس أسر الألباب مالت بحنينها،
روت عيون جفت من بكاها،
مسيتها ، لقيتها ، رنت ضحكتها بالأسماع ، سكرت القلوب ، وسال دمع الفرح على خدودها،
فرحها شرق مثل شمس لبنان تستحي مشيتها خلف جبالها،
بتفاحها برمانها ، بحلوها بعلقمها ، السكر ذاب علسان ضيفها،
وعلقمها أحلى من دمع فرحها،
بسمتها لاحت ملأت الليل سكبت الرمال فضة و لؤلؤا أنورتها،
بسمتها مثل شمس اليابان بعيدة وقريبة اسود الشجر من دفئها،
مالت برمشها غربت شوف العيون من عيون لبنان احمر القمر خجل حلاها،
البدر اللي بعينها أحزن من حزن القمر بالسما، أدمع عيون ضحكت من البكا من دمع تشوفه وماتشوفها،
الحيا من حيا مات ورا خدود للشمس أبعدت للغروب بشروقها ما هدا الشفق يغازلها،
يغازلها مايزعلها زعلها يرضيها مايدري كيف شمالية ولا غربية رياحها،
راحة يدي غازلتها قبلتها بجفون اختفى عذابي خلفها غربت للشفق يناديها،
ليه قبلت يدي اثقلتيها وين المغرب سراب مامشت أيامي إلا بليالي إنت من سوادها اختفيت فيها
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Sunday, 22 November 2009
A Definition for CRAZINESS
Craziness is
carelessiness with
agility with confidence
and not obeying easily,
stubborn with skills,
using experience to
and live the
freedom while
respecting others' private issues,
and spreading a joyful atmospher that
no comment but craved to join and
carelessiness with
agility with confidence
and not obeying easily,
stubborn with skills,
using experience to
and live the
freedom while
respecting others' private issues,
and spreading a joyful atmospher that
no comment but craved to join and
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Crystals in Rocks;
Pearls in Shells;
Container forms the meaning, and
"A Observadora" gives it the value.
The light from your bosom
burned up the mind;
The soul cried, was
pulled off the body;
The fingers got burned
inside your hands;
Nerves sank deeply in your boliing blood;
The mind became empty;
In the middle of silence,
western winds carried me away;
Dreams left,
where we left our feet,
the bare feet talking to the roots;
What left is smile,
and an empty mind;
The heart got a wound by a thorn,
passing by the beautiful garden,
the red green brown enchanting garden.
Of serenity in presentia,
the rose wounded the heart;
The soul's light burned up the mind;
The nerves sank in the honey,
the bees got angry;
The catastrophy of the nature;
The body was carried away by the winds,
with an open heart and empty mind;
"Goodbye," when be said sometimes,
promises to save a smile for good;
Say goodbye for the western winds,
carrying the souls,
the trees' leaves,
"Triggering the last scream before death,"
the roots, away,
taking off the what the containers hold,
leaving silence and a smile;
The catastrophy happened;
Nothing to say but
triggering a short laugter because of pain and
After a goodbye,
a smile is perpetual.
Pearls in Shells;
Container forms the meaning, and
"A Observadora" gives it the value.
The light from your bosom
burned up the mind;
The soul cried, was
pulled off the body;
The fingers got burned
inside your hands;
Nerves sank deeply in your boliing blood;
The mind became empty;
In the middle of silence,
western winds carried me away;
Dreams left,
where we left our feet,
the bare feet talking to the roots;
What left is smile,
and an empty mind;
The heart got a wound by a thorn,
passing by the beautiful garden,
the red green brown enchanting garden.
Of serenity in presentia,
the rose wounded the heart;
The soul's light burned up the mind;
The nerves sank in the honey,
the bees got angry;
The catastrophy of the nature;
The body was carried away by the winds,
with an open heart and empty mind;
"Goodbye," when be said sometimes,
promises to save a smile for good;
Say goodbye for the western winds,
carrying the souls,
the trees' leaves,
"Triggering the last scream before death,"
the roots, away,
taking off the what the containers hold,
leaving silence and a smile;
The catastrophy happened;
Nothing to say but
triggering a short laugter because of pain and
After a goodbye,
a smile is perpetual.
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
في صدرك
انفتح صدرك فابتلعني
اضاء عقلي الفارغ
بلهب ملأ السكون
أعيديني إلى عالمي
لا أستطيع أن أكمل طريقا
في صدرك
أورد عمرا من الشمس
إن الشمس مما تحملين مشتعلة
إن الأرض مما تملكين تغلي
أعيديني ، أرغب عقلي الفارغ
لا أحمل حمل عقل مثقل
من أحمر وأسود
من الجنة لا نعلم
من الأرض نتعلم
احترقت أصابعي في يديك
غرقت أعصابي في صدرك
انشلت رجلي حملني شوقك
أعيديني إلى عالمي
ضعيف هو أنا اسمعيني
اذكريني في المشرق
أو المغرب
لن أؤذيك
إن تعثرت في صدرك
إن غربت مع الريح ستذكريني
ستأخذين من أنفاسك
لتنفثي لي ريحا شرقية
تحملني إلى حلمك
تحملني إلى كم من الأحلام لانعرفها
لو حلمناها لنسينا
أحلاما كم ظننا أنها الوردية
أحلام السكون
عقلي الفارغ
وصدرك الحنون
أعيديني إلى عالمي
مللت الجنون
انفتح صدرك فابتلعني
اضاء عقلي الفارغ
بلهب ملأ السكون
أعيديني إلى عالمي
لا أستطيع أن أكمل طريقا
في صدرك
أورد عمرا من الشمس
إن الشمس مما تحملين مشتعلة
إن الأرض مما تملكين تغلي
أعيديني ، أرغب عقلي الفارغ
لا أحمل حمل عقل مثقل
من أحمر وأسود
من الجنة لا نعلم
من الأرض نتعلم
احترقت أصابعي في يديك
غرقت أعصابي في صدرك
انشلت رجلي حملني شوقك
أعيديني إلى عالمي
ضعيف هو أنا اسمعيني
اذكريني في المشرق
أو المغرب
لن أؤذيك
إن تعثرت في صدرك
إن غربت مع الريح ستذكريني
ستأخذين من أنفاسك
لتنفثي لي ريحا شرقية
تحملني إلى حلمك
تحملني إلى كم من الأحلام لانعرفها
لو حلمناها لنسينا
أحلاما كم ظننا أنها الوردية
أحلام السكون
عقلي الفارغ
وصدرك الحنون
أعيديني إلى عالمي
مللت الجنون
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
شمالية والنجم ضيفها
مايلة والليل مسـاها،
شمالية والنجم ضيفها.
زرت الحزن ليلة،
تاب الحزن وابتسم من حزنه.
سأزور قلبك ليلة ،
فيها الماء تجمد ،
لن أطيل الجلسة ،
أود فقط أن أسمع همسة.
سآصل مملكتك بحلمي ،
فيه الينابيع تتفجر.
اشرقي قد بات القلب تخدر،
غربية و الشوق أضناها،
نسي النجم دربه،
يترقب شهابا يدله.
ولعيونها مابان للنجم ظله.
تخطف جناحاها قلبي،
تتبعها عيناي حائرتان،
رطب الجو بعد طول شقاء،
تتبعها عيناي تتساءلان،
شمالية أم غربية هي؟
شمالية والنجم ضيفها.
زرت الحزن ليلة،
تاب الحزن وابتسم من حزنه.
سأزور قلبك ليلة ،
فيها الماء تجمد ،
لن أطيل الجلسة ،
أود فقط أن أسمع همسة.
سآصل مملكتك بحلمي ،
فيه الينابيع تتفجر.
اشرقي قد بات القلب تخدر،
غربية و الشوق أضناها،
نسي النجم دربه،
يترقب شهابا يدله.
ولعيونها مابان للنجم ظله.
تخطف جناحاها قلبي،
تتبعها عيناي حائرتان،
رطب الجو بعد طول شقاء،
تتبعها عيناي تتساءلان،
شمالية أم غربية هي؟
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Saturday, 21 November 2009
غربية رياحها
غربية ، و من بعيد الشرق أدمعها
صار الحزن نكتة عصرها ، وسميرها
من كثر الحزن ما وجدت غير بسماتها
و من بعد الأرض أبعدت هواها
ومن كل الوقت ما طالت مناها
ليلها أسود و البدر اختفى ورا سحاب سماها
ولو طلع البدر ، كان أحمر من لون شفاها
اختجل من لمع خدها
جمال البدر راح ورا خيالها
ومن الحزن ما عادت إلا تضحك و بقيت بسماتها
غربية ، لما هبت رياحها
لتسافر بقلب كان كل عذابها
غربية ، لو عرف وجهتها فارسها
وصل لها ، و ضمها بعد ثلاثينها
فارسها فوت وجهتها
بصيفها ، لكن بشتاها عرف طريقها
2 a.m (GMT+9), 21st Nov.
صار الحزن نكتة عصرها ، وسميرها
من كثر الحزن ما وجدت غير بسماتها
و من بعد الأرض أبعدت هواها
ومن كل الوقت ما طالت مناها
ليلها أسود و البدر اختفى ورا سحاب سماها
ولو طلع البدر ، كان أحمر من لون شفاها
اختجل من لمع خدها
جمال البدر راح ورا خيالها
ومن الحزن ما عادت إلا تضحك و بقيت بسماتها
غربية ، لما هبت رياحها
لتسافر بقلب كان كل عذابها
غربية ، لو عرف وجهتها فارسها
وصل لها ، و ضمها بعد ثلاثينها
فارسها فوت وجهتها
بصيفها ، لكن بشتاها عرف طريقها
2 a.m (GMT+9), 21st Nov.
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Listen to the Rain
Listen to the rain
when comes with smile
with graceful acoustic
plays with the earth for a while;
o' smell the scent,
when everything has drunk,
the earth laughs like,
a wet lady with balck
long hair,
Listen to the rain,
talking to you
listen to the rain
you won't feel lonely
The rain came for you
for me
for the earth
when comes with smile
with graceful acoustic
plays with the earth for a while;
o' smell the scent,
when everything has drunk,
the earth laughs like,
a wet lady with balck
long hair,
Listen to the rain,
talking to you
listen to the rain
you won't feel lonely
The rain came for you
for me
for the earth
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Just around 12 O'clock, in the Lab.
Today, I arrived my lab at 7:30 am.
Colleagues started to come around 9:30
They don't say: “good morning”
From around 11 o'clock there were half of the total who left their desks, grouped to chating and laugh.
After some time one of them started to hit the keyboard aggressively. He is the one that once I had asked him if he's angry!
He negated.(He has told the story to our professor who laughed!)
Today, he is not angry as he told me (hehe!), but the keyboard's noise just cuts off my thinking chain.
In the early times in my lab I noticed the keyboards and what caught me is how they are heavy and strong material made. Why they are fabricated like this? it doesn't need. These keyboards could be used as a bridge above a river for passing cars!
Today, I think I got the answer of my wondering.
Around 11:30 one of them actually, the assistant professor, got a fax, I think the fax text's written in English. And, then they grouped next to my ear and started to discuss and laugh!
I just open my textpad and wrote the passed lines.
There are a lot of stories. I will split my life-time in Japan by half. The first half to live the stories, and the other half is to write them.
11:55 am. 18th of Nov.
Colleagues started to come around 9:30
They don't say: “good morning”
From around 11 o'clock there were half of the total who left their desks, grouped to chating and laugh.
After some time one of them started to hit the keyboard aggressively. He is the one that once I had asked him if he's angry!
He negated.(He has told the story to our professor who laughed!)
Today, he is not angry as he told me (hehe!), but the keyboard's noise just cuts off my thinking chain.
In the early times in my lab I noticed the keyboards and what caught me is how they are heavy and strong material made. Why they are fabricated like this? it doesn't need. These keyboards could be used as a bridge above a river for passing cars!
Today, I think I got the answer of my wondering.
Around 11:30 one of them actually, the assistant professor, got a fax, I think the fax text's written in English. And, then they grouped next to my ear and started to discuss and laugh!
I just open my textpad and wrote the passed lines.
There are a lot of stories. I will split my life-time in Japan by half. The first half to live the stories, and the other half is to write them.
11:55 am. 18th of Nov.
Monday, 16 November 2009
An eye in the sky it's your vaingloriness,
Your glare dedicated not a thing but,
The blindness,
Whatever you cherish you won't live,
the bliss,
You cherish wind, rain, fire, mountains,
moon, sun, heaven and stars,
And, you forgot,
you won't feel them,
without me;
I will take my pillow,
Dream of you,
Your lips, smile and laughter,
Your kindness which you forgot,
Wishing you happy dreams,
Every night,
Hoping your heart wake up,
Hoping you overcome your egotism,
Your turbulence!
Your glare dedicated not a thing but,
The blindness,
Whatever you cherish you won't live,
the bliss,
You cherish wind, rain, fire, mountains,
moon, sun, heaven and stars,
And, you forgot,
you won't feel them,
without me;
I will take my pillow,
Dream of you,
Your lips, smile and laughter,
Your kindness which you forgot,
Wishing you happy dreams,
Every night,
Hoping your heart wake up,
Hoping you overcome your egotism,
Your turbulence!
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
A Blame on your Guiltiness
Blaming me with avariciousness,
Forgetting your carelessness,
Closing my eyes dreaming of yours,
Of us being together in happiness,
But, when I open them I see your indecisiveness,
When you walk away,
I stair at you,
Trying to find a clue,
I call you again,
You don't stop to see my sadness,
When you just walk away;
You are blaming me while,
you left our rose in dryness;
You forgot your kindness;
I do not blame you but,
blame on your guiltiness!
Forgetting your carelessness,
Closing my eyes dreaming of yours,
Of us being together in happiness,
But, when I open them I see your indecisiveness,
When you walk away,
I stair at you,
Trying to find a clue,
I call you again,
You don't stop to see my sadness,
When you just walk away;
You are blaming me while,
you left our rose in dryness;
You forgot your kindness;
I do not blame you but,
blame on your guiltiness!
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
لو اكتفيت بشم الورد
لو اكتفيت بشم الورد
وتركت الورد في الأرض
لبقي الورد في عمره
كيف فكرت في عمرك
ونسيت عمر الورد
وسرقت الورد من أرضه
أخذت معاك الوردة
سهرت معاها أخر ليلة
كنت في فرحة
لكن كانت هي تودع آخر ساعة
وهمك أنساك شقاها
وهمك أخذ عمرها
لو اكتفيت بشم الورد
وتركت الورد في أرضها
لغنت لك الورد كل العمر
نسيت عمر الورد
ونسيت عمرك
تشم الورد
وتسرق أرضها
وحبك لذاتك أخذ عمر الورد
وتركت الورد في الأرض
لبقي الورد في عمره
كيف فكرت في عمرك
ونسيت عمر الورد
وسرقت الورد من أرضه
أخذت معاك الوردة
سهرت معاها أخر ليلة
كنت في فرحة
لكن كانت هي تودع آخر ساعة
وهمك أنساك شقاها
وهمك أخذ عمرها
لو اكتفيت بشم الورد
وتركت الورد في أرضها
لغنت لك الورد كل العمر
نسيت عمر الورد
ونسيت عمرك
تشم الورد
وتسرق أرضها
وحبك لذاتك أخذ عمر الورد
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Me, You and the Mirage
The aloofness between me and you is
the like as the
distance to the mirage
the moment shows
Make any chance
seize every single one
there is no way to
run away
The dream of your embrace
while sniffing the skin
resting the bosom
shedding the tears of
peace, grace and
nipping the lips
The hue of red
does not satisfy the bed
the trees are getting rid of
their leaves
for a lonely voyage
Mirage can hide a mountain
Snow can cover the desert
the mountain could be climbed
the desert could be crossed
but cannot meet the mirage
No silence with
the dream of your face
having a sweet cheek
does never mean to eat
my cheese
Staring at the red hue
at its reflection
for a long long and
long time
hoping paint my glass
hiding its slash
The distance to mirage
when mirage does being
or even if does not
simply no difference
in both the distance is
the like as the
distance to the mirage
the moment shows
Make any chance
seize every single one
there is no way to
run away
The dream of your embrace
while sniffing the skin
resting the bosom
shedding the tears of
peace, grace and
nipping the lips
The hue of red
does not satisfy the bed
the trees are getting rid of
their leaves
for a lonely voyage
Mirage can hide a mountain
Snow can cover the desert
the mountain could be climbed
the desert could be crossed
but cannot meet the mirage
No silence with
the dream of your face
having a sweet cheek
does never mean to eat
my cheese
Staring at the red hue
at its reflection
for a long long and
long time
hoping paint my glass
hiding its slash
The distance to mirage
when mirage does being
or even if does not
simply no difference
in both the distance is
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Incipiência do Japão -- A Chapter of Seven Months and Seven Days
"I am in Japan, I am in Japan, I can't believe it!"
At Kansai Airpot, early April 2009.
"But, wait! Where is the smoking room? I need to smoke.. for more than 13 hours I haven't smoked"
To Minoo, the first accomodation.
A monorail to "Saito-Nishi" at 11 PM.
Fog, cold, and luggage, with a map in the hand.
Walking with care, and sensing the directions.
This is a campus, oh looks like a university campus.
Entered the public female bath, no signs, asked someone, she was with wet long black hair, and a big smile, and a little help got, moved forward.
The cool thing's that the name of the dormitory is written in English.
Played Mafia with new commers (from different countries), made new friendships, first night was, a dream came true and, a dream.
The first week was amazing and,
I was extremely with joy but,
the first days,
the seven,
never happened again.
The katakanization:
"geirofriendo, elevaitaah, escalaitaah, leeedah, boyofriendo, ...."
Do I know english?
I think I am not good in English!
But, wait, I am good in English, but what kind of English does Japan use?
Whatever your English was, the Japanized English is of another dictionary of vocabularies.
Do You Have Pointo-Caahdo?
--Poit card?
O' No.
Do you want to apply?
yes, please!
This is something that will live with you as you live in Japan!
Everyshop in Japan has a point card, and now I need another wallet just for the point cards!!
Insanity and stupidity and non-customer-orientation deal!
The Bicycle?
I got one during the first week of my arrival.
The reason:
To discover the area with banana price!
Just a map or two will be enough, smelling the roads, wondering about the new things of Japan civilization.
Don't worry there's a W.C every km!
And, you won't feel lonely because everything speaks in Japan.
And, if you do, just use a W.C!
--What is the Coolest thing in Japan?
I used to go out early and come back around 3 AM during the first week.
Sleeping hours per day were maximum 2.
One road made me feel so much excited called "171" --in abbreviated slang Japanese Street lang. called "inaichi"!
The thing made me wondering and glad, the many car shops and motorcycles found all along from Toyota - Lexus, Yamaha, Ford - Mustang, Harley Davidson, Ducati, and etc.
Plus, the international shop CARREFOUR!
Feel warm!
The road by itself reminds me sometimes with some KSA's.
I had a small accident with a bike.
I also on a rainy morning, riding fast, slipped dangerously. Fortunately, no cars were infront of me, no people, and I didn't bite the ground after long distance of skiing!
It was a freedom for me.
After 5 months I sold it!
For many reasons...
A Unique Friendship -- Me & My Psychiatrist
The night still not night for me,
I couldn't distingush the morning from noon, from...
The Jet lag survived....
--May be later I'll tell you for how long I've been with mal-functioning biological clock!
The Japanese classes;
Ah sorry!
The intensive Japanese Lang. classes,
the teachers,
the dorm,
the sleepless residence, actually teenagers!
the Japanized parties (nomikai!)
(Drinking parties)
According to my poor information, I used to think a party could be once in a month,
or OK. once in a week, usually weekend!
A soccer yard there outside,
Alcohol glasses and bottles in the bars,
However, the dorm was a basketball, soccer, ..., stadium!
The smell of alcohol everywhere, almost everynigh there was either a game or a nomikai!
It seems like the students were having some troubles!
May be? do you think so?
Finally, I wrote a complaining letter for the office,
the following day they got warned, that night the dorm was with peace,
the rest of the following nights were much night club- like, not like exactly!
Oh' do you know how many students committed suicide last year in this campus?
What! no.
Around XXX
The linen washing day!
The bottles
The bus schedule
The kitchen that I cannot call it a kitchen at all!
The W.Cs that are abused to the bottom!
The internet connection, no mis-connection!
Never mind.. I can handle, my mobile phone will connect me.
I can connect my laotop and have internet connection via my mobile.
The barbeis!
And, one of them got a cut!
--I will talk later about the barbeis, please wait a bit!
So, my stubborn body and, its bio. clock, and the said factors and others were,
playing a big role in my sleeplessness!
Yes, I like cafe, and I need to drink a cup of cafe after a long day!
But I used to drink cafe and sleep before Japan.
My attitude in the Japanese program was degrading,
I started to hear comments,
And, I felt I am risking somehting!
My situation is not OK!
And, I have to prove that I care and serious but something out of my hand.
Have sex!
Go to some clubs or,
and the list is not short!
Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you drink cafe at night?
Do you eat well?
Do you have friends?
Do you spend your weekend with friends?
Tell me your everyday routine...
The questions' list is longer than a novel!
Why did you come to Japan?
Do you like Japan?
What did you do last year?
Is something bad did happen to you last year?
With whom you have been living before you came to Japan?
With whom you are living now?
Tell me about your objectives....
Who did help you last year?
emmm' drinking is good for you, because.....
but you don't drink,
Actually, you have insomnia, and it's OK I will prescribe for you pills,
and you will be sleeping.
Please, would you write to Muraoka sensei, a letter descibing my situation and explaining to her my problem?
-Yes, of course!
After some sessions...
So, how many kids do you have?
"This is my question to him"
What is your specialization?
And, then we started to talk about books in pshychology as I was reading one.
My psychiatrist got enthusiastic and,
it seems like he was the one who needed a Psychiatrist!
Please, would you call Muraoka sensei and tell her about my situation?
Yes, of course,
The Dinners
During the 2nd Month I lost My Glassees
For many reasons,
until today, I've been not wearing glasses!
As I didn't know why I lost them?
But, now I know why?
As we say "A coind has two facets!"
--(laitaah!) = later!
Osaka-Homesickness, Nara, and the Pina Colada Glass
I've got new cafe beans -"Organic El Salvador",
And a cup made by Givenchy.
It was cool to leave Osaka!
I arrived to Ikoma,
Francisco lead me to the bar,
New friends,
Another chapter in Japan..
I had soya beans sweets,
I dedicated to friends,
To break the ice!
We were cool, and
I said: "It's nice to be at NAIST!"
Asked the waiter: "Anything without Alcohol?"
"Yes, what would you like?", the waiter replied,
Please, a glass of Piña colada.
I said: “Mauricio, I feel Osaka-home sick”,
He replied: “Me, too”;
We huged and the “piña colada” glass poured down and fell to the floor and broken!
I said: “Mauricio, I am not feeling home sick anymore, are you?”
He replied: “Me niether”;
It seemed like the “piña colada”
cured us when poured!
From now, Any time we get home sick we go to bar, order a “piña colada” and pour it on ourselves!!
And, it seems like we didn't just break the ice,
more, we broke the glass!
The glass when broke never be back alike!
Unless it's molten and formed once again!
But, do you think it will have the same characteristics as before?
Does the glass miss something after it getting broke, molted, and reshaped?
I got a phone call,
told that I was seen in a dream!
O' God this not the perfect time for dreams!
After the karaoke,
A long screaming night, rock singing,
and pipe smoking!
I arrived my new home,
I was so tired,
But, I took my first cup of cafe,
with the new cafe beans from El Salvador,
Sipping with a Givenchy cup!
It was 3 at dawn.
bom dia!
My Friends from Brazil
The Coolest thing in Japan!
*An advice: if you don't have brazilian friends, simply you have no friends!
The Mental Revusal
I said: "I just psychologically cannot communicate in Japanese Lang."
"I feel bad, hurting myself!"
"Don't worry," my professor responded!
And, described my situation as a mental revusal!
What is The Coolest thing in Japan?
In Lebanon, I didn't feel Lebanon is mine.
But here, I feel Japan is mine!
A coolest thing in Japan.
And this is the Day Seventh after the Month Seventh,
in Japan.
The Incipience to Japan.
--Of course there are a lot of positive things, and things that you say sometimes I would live here forever.
Next time, I will more positive things, which are a lot, too, and the origanization, and the systematic life style sometimes you think it's a good place to live.
Of course, control may life easy and beautiful most times..
I advise everyone to experience Japan, for a month, a year more or less.
And, just seee.
in Albanian: mermenjuz,
and we know the rest:
bom dia,
buenos días,
おはよう ございます,
صـباح الياسمين والجاردينيا
I will try to japanize the Arabic one...
See you later, continuing some stories and with more stories of the Months' Seven And Seven days!
At Kansai Airpot, early April 2009.
"But, wait! Where is the smoking room? I need to smoke.. for more than 13 hours I haven't smoked"
To Minoo, the first accomodation.
A monorail to "Saito-Nishi" at 11 PM.
Fog, cold, and luggage, with a map in the hand.
Walking with care, and sensing the directions.
This is a campus, oh looks like a university campus.
Entered the public female bath, no signs, asked someone, she was with wet long black hair, and a big smile, and a little help got, moved forward.
The cool thing's that the name of the dormitory is written in English.
Played Mafia with new commers (from different countries), made new friendships, first night was, a dream came true and, a dream.
The first week was amazing and,
I was extremely with joy but,
the first days,
the seven,
never happened again.
The katakanization:
"geirofriendo, elevaitaah, escalaitaah, leeedah, boyofriendo, ...."
Do I know english?
I think I am not good in English!
But, wait, I am good in English, but what kind of English does Japan use?
Whatever your English was, the Japanized English is of another dictionary of vocabularies.
Do You Have Pointo-Caahdo?
--Poit card?
O' No.
Do you want to apply?
yes, please!
This is something that will live with you as you live in Japan!
Everyshop in Japan has a point card, and now I need another wallet just for the point cards!!
Insanity and stupidity and non-customer-orientation deal!
The Bicycle?
I got one during the first week of my arrival.
The reason:
To discover the area with banana price!
Just a map or two will be enough, smelling the roads, wondering about the new things of Japan civilization.
Don't worry there's a W.C every km!
And, you won't feel lonely because everything speaks in Japan.
And, if you do, just use a W.C!
--What is the Coolest thing in Japan?
I used to go out early and come back around 3 AM during the first week.
Sleeping hours per day were maximum 2.
One road made me feel so much excited called "171" --in abbreviated slang Japanese Street lang. called "inaichi"!
The thing made me wondering and glad, the many car shops and motorcycles found all along from Toyota - Lexus, Yamaha, Ford - Mustang, Harley Davidson, Ducati, and etc.
Plus, the international shop CARREFOUR!
Feel warm!
The road by itself reminds me sometimes with some KSA's.
I had a small accident with a bike.
I also on a rainy morning, riding fast, slipped dangerously. Fortunately, no cars were infront of me, no people, and I didn't bite the ground after long distance of skiing!
It was a freedom for me.
After 5 months I sold it!
For many reasons...
A Unique Friendship -- Me & My Psychiatrist
The night still not night for me,
I couldn't distingush the morning from noon, from...
The Jet lag survived....
--May be later I'll tell you for how long I've been with mal-functioning biological clock!
The Japanese classes;
Ah sorry!
The intensive Japanese Lang. classes,
the teachers,
the dorm,
the sleepless residence, actually teenagers!
the Japanized parties (nomikai!)
(Drinking parties)
According to my poor information, I used to think a party could be once in a month,
or OK. once in a week, usually weekend!
A soccer yard there outside,
Alcohol glasses and bottles in the bars,
However, the dorm was a basketball, soccer, ..., stadium!
The smell of alcohol everywhere, almost everynigh there was either a game or a nomikai!
It seems like the students were having some troubles!
May be? do you think so?
Finally, I wrote a complaining letter for the office,
the following day they got warned, that night the dorm was with peace,
the rest of the following nights were much night club- like, not like exactly!
Oh' do you know how many students committed suicide last year in this campus?
What! no.
Around XXX
The linen washing day!
The bottles
The bus schedule
The kitchen that I cannot call it a kitchen at all!
The W.Cs that are abused to the bottom!
The internet connection, no mis-connection!
Never mind.. I can handle, my mobile phone will connect me.
I can connect my laotop and have internet connection via my mobile.
The barbeis!
And, one of them got a cut!
--I will talk later about the barbeis, please wait a bit!
So, my stubborn body and, its bio. clock, and the said factors and others were,
playing a big role in my sleeplessness!
Yes, I like cafe, and I need to drink a cup of cafe after a long day!
But I used to drink cafe and sleep before Japan.
My attitude in the Japanese program was degrading,
I started to hear comments,
And, I felt I am risking somehting!
My situation is not OK!
And, I have to prove that I care and serious but something out of my hand.
Have sex!
Go to some clubs or,
and the list is not short!
Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you drink cafe at night?
Do you eat well?
Do you have friends?
Do you spend your weekend with friends?
Tell me your everyday routine...
The questions' list is longer than a novel!
Why did you come to Japan?
Do you like Japan?
What did you do last year?
Is something bad did happen to you last year?
With whom you have been living before you came to Japan?
With whom you are living now?
Tell me about your objectives....
Who did help you last year?
emmm' drinking is good for you, because.....
but you don't drink,
Actually, you have insomnia, and it's OK I will prescribe for you pills,
and you will be sleeping.
Please, would you write to Muraoka sensei, a letter descibing my situation and explaining to her my problem?
-Yes, of course!
After some sessions...
So, how many kids do you have?
"This is my question to him"
What is your specialization?
And, then we started to talk about books in pshychology as I was reading one.
My psychiatrist got enthusiastic and,
it seems like he was the one who needed a Psychiatrist!
Please, would you call Muraoka sensei and tell her about my situation?
Yes, of course,
The Dinners
During the 2nd Month I lost My Glassees
For many reasons,
until today, I've been not wearing glasses!
As I didn't know why I lost them?
But, now I know why?
As we say "A coind has two facets!"
--(laitaah!) = later!
Osaka-Homesickness, Nara, and the Pina Colada Glass
I've got new cafe beans -"Organic El Salvador",
And a cup made by Givenchy.
It was cool to leave Osaka!
I arrived to Ikoma,
Francisco lead me to the bar,
New friends,
Another chapter in Japan..
I had soya beans sweets,
I dedicated to friends,
To break the ice!
We were cool, and
I said: "It's nice to be at NAIST!"
Asked the waiter: "Anything without Alcohol?"
"Yes, what would you like?", the waiter replied,
Please, a glass of Piña colada.
I said: “Mauricio, I feel Osaka-home sick”,
He replied: “Me, too”;
We huged and the “piña colada” glass poured down and fell to the floor and broken!
I said: “Mauricio, I am not feeling home sick anymore, are you?”
He replied: “Me niether”;
It seemed like the “piña colada”
cured us when poured!
From now, Any time we get home sick we go to bar, order a “piña colada” and pour it on ourselves!!
And, it seems like we didn't just break the ice,
more, we broke the glass!
The glass when broke never be back alike!
Unless it's molten and formed once again!
But, do you think it will have the same characteristics as before?
Does the glass miss something after it getting broke, molted, and reshaped?
I got a phone call,
told that I was seen in a dream!
O' God this not the perfect time for dreams!
After the karaoke,
A long screaming night, rock singing,
and pipe smoking!
I arrived my new home,
I was so tired,
But, I took my first cup of cafe,
with the new cafe beans from El Salvador,
Sipping with a Givenchy cup!
It was 3 at dawn.
bom dia!
My Friends from Brazil
The Coolest thing in Japan!
*An advice: if you don't have brazilian friends, simply you have no friends!
The Mental Revusal
I said: "I just psychologically cannot communicate in Japanese Lang."
"I feel bad, hurting myself!"
"Don't worry," my professor responded!
And, described my situation as a mental revusal!
What is The Coolest thing in Japan?
In Lebanon, I didn't feel Lebanon is mine.
But here, I feel Japan is mine!
A coolest thing in Japan.
And this is the Day Seventh after the Month Seventh,
in Japan.
The Incipience to Japan.
--Of course there are a lot of positive things, and things that you say sometimes I would live here forever.
Next time, I will more positive things, which are a lot, too, and the origanization, and the systematic life style sometimes you think it's a good place to live.
Of course, control may life easy and beautiful most times..
I advise everyone to experience Japan, for a month, a year more or less.
And, just seee.
in Albanian: mermenjuz,
and we know the rest:
bom dia,
buenos días,
おはよう ございます,
صـباح الياسمين والجاردينيا
I will try to japanize the Arabic one...
See you later, continuing some stories and with more stories of the Months' Seven And Seven days!
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Since Nineteen Ninety Seven
Lonely nights;
but only,
the office lights,
with the silence;
With my computing machine,
and mind fries
and the eye also,
never wiped away tears;
With books accompany,
but what I am reading is,
my diary;
The deep need,
from here to leave;
The wish to clean,
the planet from wastes;
I washed my notebook,
many times,
but still remain
the all lines;
I threw it away,
out of mind,
but keeps creeping
to my dreams,
and bites,
pieces of joy,
tranquility and stillness,
turning the raining to lightening that,
the shore becomes volcano,
the sea turns a desert;
I merely forgot the desert,
and want to make sure how the sea looks like;
I don't like my dreams,
the erase of memory that,
never happen when the core keeps,
the sculpture of the face who,
has been living there since
nineteen ninety seven;
No one would have suffered,
if the scultpture was returned
to the shore,
to the rock,
to the sands;
I have thrown my notebook again,
and ran far away;
Got white papers for
new lines that,
I thought but,
when I was filling my pen
with the ink,
my old papers
fell down from the sky,
just to here, to my left that,
I couldn't believe and,
came to my dreams again that,
if they were real in,
nineteen ninety seven,
this truth would have never been realized,
this mistake would have never been committed that,
the core, the memory, the soul are
grateful for a story teaches that they
learned that they learned one thing that,
to know they know nothing and,
one day they will learn that,
what they learned is one thing,
they still know nothing since,
and since before, nineteen ninety seven;
Mistakes have been committed,
the truth lies in a mistake that,
was not the first nor the last but,
the moonlight was there in,
nineteen ninety seven.
Moon knows more than me,
Moon knows how to change,
and knows how to be always beautiful in our eyes;
Before nineteen ninety seven Moon was
my dear friend.
but only,
the office lights,
with the silence;
With my computing machine,
and mind fries
and the eye also,
never wiped away tears;
With books accompany,
but what I am reading is,
my diary;
The deep need,
from here to leave;
The wish to clean,
the planet from wastes;
I washed my notebook,
many times,
but still remain
the all lines;
I threw it away,
out of mind,
but keeps creeping
to my dreams,
and bites,
pieces of joy,
tranquility and stillness,
turning the raining to lightening that,
the shore becomes volcano,
the sea turns a desert;
I merely forgot the desert,
and want to make sure how the sea looks like;
I don't like my dreams,
the erase of memory that,
never happen when the core keeps,
the sculpture of the face who,
has been living there since
nineteen ninety seven;
No one would have suffered,
if the scultpture was returned
to the shore,
to the rock,
to the sands;
I have thrown my notebook again,
and ran far away;
Got white papers for
new lines that,
I thought but,
when I was filling my pen
with the ink,
my old papers
fell down from the sky,
just to here, to my left that,
I couldn't believe and,
came to my dreams again that,
if they were real in,
nineteen ninety seven,
this truth would have never been realized,
this mistake would have never been committed that,
the core, the memory, the soul are
grateful for a story teaches that they
learned that they learned one thing that,
to know they know nothing and,
one day they will learn that,
what they learned is one thing,
they still know nothing since,
and since before, nineteen ninety seven;
Mistakes have been committed,
the truth lies in a mistake that,
was not the first nor the last but,
the moonlight was there in,
nineteen ninety seven.
Moon knows more than me,
Moon knows how to change,
and knows how to be always beautiful in our eyes;
Before nineteen ninety seven Moon was
my dear friend.
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Rule No.° Zero
Keep with you the remedy, always.
Carelessness with elegance,
You never guess when,
the moment you get infected by,
the pick-the-pilow at night that,
a kind of illness,
we usually experience.
This is the rule no. °Zero;
Do you remember charlie's Angels?
Do you remember your first love?
Do you know what was the mystery of your first love?
Simply, the love that never comes again,
I don't think it's the love, but a kind of that,
you see it always absolutely beautiful that,
you've never had the chance to see the ugliness,
the carelessness and the carefulness,
the sexy part is always shines,
the silky navy masculine,
the silky pinky feminine,
the illusion that has been never contradicted.
The paradox nature of the world,
makes the first love straight and beautiful,
always, have regreted and to some rock escaped to retrospect that,
you became ill,
that you didn't have the remedy,
that you didn't apply the rule no. °Zero;
Being a Romeo is not fantasy anymore,
And, I like Charlie's story,
who has three angels,
But I've never asked him if he is applying the rule that,
I call the "Rule No.°Zero,"
and, certainly, I like charlies' Angels.
Carelessness with elegance,
You never guess when,
the moment you get infected by,
the pick-the-pilow at night that,
a kind of illness,
we usually experience.
This is the rule no. °Zero;
Do you remember charlie's Angels?
Do you remember your first love?
Do you know what was the mystery of your first love?
Simply, the love that never comes again,
I don't think it's the love, but a kind of that,
you see it always absolutely beautiful that,
you've never had the chance to see the ugliness,
the carelessness and the carefulness,
the sexy part is always shines,
the silky navy masculine,
the silky pinky feminine,
the illusion that has been never contradicted.
The paradox nature of the world,
makes the first love straight and beautiful,
always, have regreted and to some rock escaped to retrospect that,
you became ill,
that you didn't have the remedy,
that you didn't apply the rule no. °Zero;
Being a Romeo is not fantasy anymore,
And, I like Charlie's story,
who has three angels,
But I've never asked him if he is applying the rule that,
I call the "Rule No.°Zero,"
and, certainly, I like charlies' Angels.
Friday, 23 October 2009
I Miss You Warm Rose II, For "AL ZAHRA'A"
Blossoming in every garden,
Surrounding grace,
Which I am missing;
And, I am missing you warm rose;
O' live with joy;
Live exalting to the skies;
Because you are the smile,
that draws,
Heaven on my cheeks,
Whoever to them speaks,
Feels ecstatic ;
And, on my lips,
Another smile,
Whenever I want it,
I just recall "Zahra'a."
12th Sep.
Surrounding grace,
Which I am missing;
And, I am missing you warm rose;
O' live with joy;
Live exalting to the skies;
Because you are the smile,
that draws,
Heaven on my cheeks,
Whoever to them speaks,
Feels ecstatic ;
And, on my lips,
Another smile,
Whenever I want it,
I just recall "Zahra'a."
12th Sep.
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
The First Poem for "AL ZAHRA'A"
You, the Queen;
You, the flower of summer;
Your pain doesn't wound your beauty,
And nothing be tender enough but,
But, you;
But, your voice;
But, your smile;
Your faith of yourself only what could help you;
Mountains you climb,
Like winds,
Nothing stops the winds to blow,
Nor even huge mass of rocks;
And, no fear remains any longer;
God bless you, and with you being at each step;
And, may Him save your smile all along;
Like you've drawn myriad of smiles on my face,
Lots of times.
12th Aug.
You, the flower of summer;
Your pain doesn't wound your beauty,
And nothing be tender enough but,
But, you;
But, your voice;
But, your smile;
Your faith of yourself only what could help you;
Mountains you climb,
Like winds,
Nothing stops the winds to blow,
Nor even huge mass of rocks;
And, no fear remains any longer;
God bless you, and with you being at each step;
And, may Him save your smile all along;
Like you've drawn myriad of smiles on my face,
Lots of times.
12th Aug.
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Sometimes .. Just sometimes
Do you know what is the difference between you and the others?
Now, I know what is the mystery of us?
The mystery is that you are brave enough to say: “ sometimes, just sometimes..”
And this is the difference between you and the others.
This is the difference in our story to the rest of my stories;
Your brave heart.
And, thank you for saying that,
because all of them wanted less than sometimes!
But, they have never admitted,
They much lied,
But, you have nothing to be afraid of,
You are honest and said it clearly.
And, thank you for giving me your love for sometimes
and warning me it's for sometimes,
And, not let me being living in a lie,
I discovered their lies, but they never admitted,
and I am the only blamed one!
How could a heart hold a love for just sometimes?
How could they lie?
Just if there's someone crazy about me!
I am not making people suffer, at all,
I haven't meant to, and I am not,
they always has begun with just a small lie!
For sometimes, and just sometimes, I love you.
For some moments,
and only some moments, I felt peace.
For some seconds,
and only some seconds, you made me home.
For some beats,
and just some of the heart's beats,
the heart sings your name.
6:19 PM, The 4th of October 09.
Now, I know what is the mystery of us?
The mystery is that you are brave enough to say: “ sometimes, just sometimes..”
And this is the difference between you and the others.
This is the difference in our story to the rest of my stories;
Your brave heart.
And, thank you for saying that,
because all of them wanted less than sometimes!
But, they have never admitted,
They much lied,
But, you have nothing to be afraid of,
You are honest and said it clearly.
And, thank you for giving me your love for sometimes
and warning me it's for sometimes,
And, not let me being living in a lie,
I discovered their lies, but they never admitted,
and I am the only blamed one!
How could a heart hold a love for just sometimes?
How could they lie?
Just if there's someone crazy about me!
I am not making people suffer, at all,
I haven't meant to, and I am not,
they always has begun with just a small lie!
For sometimes, and just sometimes, I love you.
For some moments,
and only some moments, I felt peace.
For some seconds,
and only some seconds, you made me home.
For some beats,
and just some of the heart's beats,
the heart sings your name.
6:19 PM, The 4th of October 09.
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
Friday, 16 October 2009
I Would Come -II
I would of course,
Come riding a horse,
A white horse or red brown;
I would show up with crown,
Holding for you a rose.
Absolutely I am close,
And it's no more beautiful to see
after your "i"-eye,
But pardon me there's a "j",
That I like because,
then I could say:
"Je t'aime."
Come riding a horse,
A white horse or red brown;
I would show up with crown,
Holding for you a rose.
Absolutely I am close,
And it's no more beautiful to see
after your "i"-eye,
But pardon me there's a "j",
That I like because,
then I could say:
"Je t'aime."
Walking With Tears
Just we were having a fabulous romantic dinner.
And, she asked me: “When do you think my birthday during this month?”
I replied: “I am sorry, but I have no clue to throw?”
She said: “My birthday is the day when I first met you.”
She said while she was folding the poem paper: “I am folding the paper, but in reality I am folding your poem by my heart.”
Sometimes later...
“Where are you now?
I am at a place of these places that we lived, visited, and had our fantastic moments. Moments blessed by the scent, the core, the meaning of your name.”
I am walking while my eyes are carrying their tears...
All luck After-Q.
And, she asked me: “When do you think my birthday during this month?”
I replied: “I am sorry, but I have no clue to throw?”
She said: “My birthday is the day when I first met you.”
She said while she was folding the poem paper: “I am folding the paper, but in reality I am folding your poem by my heart.”
Sometimes later...
“Where are you now?
I am at a place of these places that we lived, visited, and had our fantastic moments. Moments blessed by the scent, the core, the meaning of your name.”
I am walking while my eyes are carrying their tears...
All luck After-Q.
Dusk Made Silence on Earth
Dusk and twilight.
Dusk lasts for some moments,
The Silence of peace;
Or, the security of silence.
The calmness.
A date with the angels,
With God.
Contemplate: "Just hold on, and let's retrospect to the memory of...".
A stanza with the horizon;
And with ourselves which are preoccupied,
Which never forget;
Howbeit, yearning for..
Never has Silence,
nor mercy!
Albeit she is not comparable to the beauty,
of the dusk and his fame,
she never intend to be silent!
Howbeit, the dusk calmed down,
And calmed every soul,
Souls reached the tranquillity;
Paved the earth with serenity,
And painted myriad of beauties,
on the brow of the sky.
11th of October
Dusk lasts for some moments,
The Silence of peace;
Or, the security of silence.
The calmness.
A date with the angels,
With God.
Contemplate: "Just hold on, and let's retrospect to the memory of...".
A stanza with the horizon;
And with ourselves which are preoccupied,
Which never forget;
Howbeit, yearning for..
Never has Silence,
nor mercy!
Albeit she is not comparable to the beauty,
of the dusk and his fame,
she never intend to be silent!
Howbeit, the dusk calmed down,
And calmed every soul,
Souls reached the tranquillity;
Paved the earth with serenity,
And painted myriad of beauties,
on the brow of the sky.
11th of October
The Sickness, Guiltiness and Death Inside
The sickness;
The guiltiness;
The mind has got shaved;
And no one would like to dance with a shaved-mind person,
Nor to sleep besides a silent heart one,
Nor even to just have a walk with a death holding body.
Guilty and sick;
How rationality could let to get engaged to a guilty heart?
How could live with a sick one?
How could even live while it exists a death inside?
The guiltiness;
The mind has got shaved;
And no one would like to dance with a shaved-mind person,
Nor to sleep besides a silent heart one,
Nor even to just have a walk with a death holding body.
Guilty and sick;
How rationality could let to get engaged to a guilty heart?
How could live with a sick one?
How could even live while it exists a death inside?
The 1000 Pieces Heart
The anger;
The grief
The pain;
The 1000-pieces-and-a-piece-heart;
The mystery behind;
When you own a thing you can easily control,
But as the heart does not belong to the beholder,
who then has no power on;
The 1000-piece heart made a very wide net,
Covers thousands of miles,
It is hard to make him one piece,and
It is hard to heal.
Where there is not only a season at a time,
Rather,two seasons exist at the same time,
In sometimes more;
Losing timing;
The heart's clock confuses raining and sun shining,
Sometimes, even just sometimes hurricanes passing,
The heart couldn't find the clue of the mystery,
Nor come back once again,
As only one whole piece.
Rather,those hurricanes,alternating places of sunrising and newly originating drops of raining,
And rainbows,
With strange colors,
Some of them were black,
Others were just blue.
The heart does never belong to the beholder,
And no one has two hearts,ever,
And it's hard to steering,
what about if he is 1000 pieces and a piece.
Where in between these pieces,
A death keeps creeping,
The wish sometimes for that death to also growing,
Ever since,
The death had been an infant,
Then has become a kid,
After sometimes, got much mature,
And became so wise to bite,
Swallow the happiness,
Eat the beauty,
Drink the water of any flower and rose.
Although keeping planting,trees and gardens,
To save the rose and flower,
But the hurricanes left nothing.
"Giving up" is not a word to sing,
Never had been,
And not to be at all,
Just waking up and making a cup of cafe,
And try again.
But what is passed is already gone,
And what remains only burned oasis,
Better to close the eyes,
when passing by the places.
The mystery remains unsolved,
The heart cannot sell happiness,
And no one would like to buy fake stuff,
A heart does never belong to the beholder,
And no one accepts to host the 1000-piece heart,
And nor you would,too.
Honesty sometimes does not exist,
And when it does, it hurts,
However,it is always much more wise than lying,
And it's hard to keep a candle in a cold November rain,
And one thing in life does never change:
There is always a change.
The loneliness also remains,
Like cancer has no cure,
May be it needs a cup of pina colada every night,
Just to make the memory silent,
Just to help forgetting the pain,
Just to keeping with a lie
that there is no loneliness,
nor unsolved mystery,
But only happiness.
The grief
The pain;
The 1000-pieces-and-a-piece-heart;
The mystery behind;
When you own a thing you can easily control,
But as the heart does not belong to the beholder,
who then has no power on;
The 1000-piece heart made a very wide net,
Covers thousands of miles,
It is hard to make him one piece,and
It is hard to heal.
Where there is not only a season at a time,
Rather,two seasons exist at the same time,
In sometimes more;
Losing timing;
The heart's clock confuses raining and sun shining,
Sometimes, even just sometimes hurricanes passing,
The heart couldn't find the clue of the mystery,
Nor come back once again,
As only one whole piece.
Rather,those hurricanes,alternating places of sunrising and newly originating drops of raining,
And rainbows,
With strange colors,
Some of them were black,
Others were just blue.
The heart does never belong to the beholder,
And no one has two hearts,ever,
And it's hard to steering,
what about if he is 1000 pieces and a piece.
Where in between these pieces,
A death keeps creeping,
The wish sometimes for that death to also growing,
Ever since,
The death had been an infant,
Then has become a kid,
After sometimes, got much mature,
And became so wise to bite,
Swallow the happiness,
Eat the beauty,
Drink the water of any flower and rose.
Although keeping planting,trees and gardens,
To save the rose and flower,
But the hurricanes left nothing.
"Giving up" is not a word to sing,
Never had been,
And not to be at all,
Just waking up and making a cup of cafe,
And try again.
But what is passed is already gone,
And what remains only burned oasis,
Better to close the eyes,
when passing by the places.
The mystery remains unsolved,
The heart cannot sell happiness,
And no one would like to buy fake stuff,
A heart does never belong to the beholder,
And no one accepts to host the 1000-piece heart,
And nor you would,too.
Honesty sometimes does not exist,
And when it does, it hurts,
However,it is always much more wise than lying,
And it's hard to keep a candle in a cold November rain,
And one thing in life does never change:
There is always a change.
The loneliness also remains,
Like cancer has no cure,
May be it needs a cup of pina colada every night,
Just to make the memory silent,
Just to help forgetting the pain,
Just to keeping with a lie
that there is no loneliness,
nor unsolved mystery,
But only happiness.
I Miss You Warm Rose
I am missing you warm rose
Dues get rest on your wine-red leaves
With the sliminess of your branch arises
Who hears you becomes happy
Who sets with you becomes alive
And, who pulls you off earth regrets
Scent blows off
Catches every soul
Intrigues the kernels
As living in temples
Dues get rest on your wine-red leaves
With the sliminess of your branch arises
Who hears you becomes happy
Who sets with you becomes alive
And, who pulls you off earth regrets
Scent blows off
Catches every soul
Intrigues the kernels
As living in temples
A Story for Sometimes
I was missing you so much,
with many things inside me touch,
my heart each minute once,
but I am mad with guns,
shooting my head and a thing knocks,
shakes and really bleeding, am,
believe me I've never taken,
care as much as you can explain,
serious being,
and funny sometimes;
and indeed with your presentia to living,
I would be completely in peace,
sound and safe;
for myriad of reasons,
I clearly sense,
you're true emotions, for me,
and the way I'm surrounded,
carried and held,
by them, like white wings
and I'm flying;
besides lots of you,
and us,
still taking me to you,
with no image in my head,
but only yours.
with many things inside me touch,
my heart each minute once,
but I am mad with guns,
shooting my head and a thing knocks,
shakes and really bleeding, am,
believe me I've never taken,
care as much as you can explain,
serious being,
and funny sometimes;
and indeed with your presentia to living,
I would be completely in peace,
sound and safe;
for myriad of reasons,
I clearly sense,
you're true emotions, for me,
and the way I'm surrounded,
carried and held,
by them, like white wings
and I'm flying;
besides lots of you,
and us,
still taking me to you,
with no image in my head,
but only yours.
A Wine-like Sweet
Sweet itself is sweet,
But when it's carrying more to feel,
We don't know what to call;
Sweet is to taste,
But if it has a magic,
Then, what to do?
Sweet is to cherish a bless called "tongue,"
And wine is to take the minds away,
But what's if I got drunk as the sweets stolen my soul;
It's sweet indeed,
But it's special as made,
I took my cut as saying "thanks",
Although,"thanks" is not enough,
Nor tons nor even millions,
I'm living a pleasure,
With each bit,
I'm trying to reach a proper way to tell you how
much be pleased and grateful by what your hands
By a dessert carrying a hat of jam,
That's a best friend to my cafe;
I made a second cup of cafe,
To continue;
Now I'm taking the last spoon being in pleasure of
new happiness,
As your sweets have been leading me,
A stairway to reach the sky,
I won't get down unless,
I get you a word from there;
A sweet with a hat of jam,
Not only a dessert,
Not only a jam,
It's rather a magic,
With the power of wine.
But when it's carrying more to feel,
We don't know what to call;
Sweet is to taste,
But if it has a magic,
Then, what to do?
Sweet is to cherish a bless called "tongue,"
And wine is to take the minds away,
But what's if I got drunk as the sweets stolen my soul;
It's sweet indeed,
But it's special as made,
I took my cut as saying "thanks",
Although,"thanks" is not enough,
Nor tons nor even millions,
I'm living a pleasure,
With each bit,
I'm trying to reach a proper way to tell you how
much be pleased and grateful by what your hands
By a dessert carrying a hat of jam,
That's a best friend to my cafe;
I made a second cup of cafe,
To continue;
Now I'm taking the last spoon being in pleasure of
new happiness,
As your sweets have been leading me,
A stairway to reach the sky,
I won't get down unless,
I get you a word from there;
A sweet with a hat of jam,
Not only a dessert,
Not only a jam,
It's rather a magic,
With the power of wine.
A Poem for “May Queen”
I got known that I shall you meet;
Last night, I had of you a dream,
I couldn't see you so clear,
But, I kept wondering how you will be seen,
Like a star or a like a moon?
Thank you for appearing,
And, I cannot keep you out of leaving,
So, you got to disappearing;
For moments, you were amazing;
You came in and flighted far,
Like a season butterfly;
With your hazel eyes,
I got to the earth enchanted;
Charming beauty,
Slender with special scent;
And, I feel how lighted-shadow you are carrying,
How alluring you create,
It's Irresistible;
I like to take photos for butterflies,
When for my room they got in,
For luck Sake, I think;
But,this time I raised,
High in the sky,
I felt life and something,
Remain prolonging,
And with echo whispering,
Even if you got far;
And,I got an immortal photo with,
Marvelous astonishing, Season butterfly;
Fly may God bless you;
In the happiness,
With all of my hope to,
Meeting you once again,
In a fantastic moments like;
Until then,
"Here I am",
With a thing's missing,Which you've stolen,
Though I wish, too,
With all happiness and joy to remain,
You "May Queen".
26th Aug. 09
Last night, I had of you a dream,
I couldn't see you so clear,
But, I kept wondering how you will be seen,
Like a star or a like a moon?
Thank you for appearing,
And, I cannot keep you out of leaving,
So, you got to disappearing;
For moments, you were amazing;
You came in and flighted far,
Like a season butterfly;
With your hazel eyes,
I got to the earth enchanted;
Charming beauty,
Slender with special scent;
And, I feel how lighted-shadow you are carrying,
How alluring you create,
It's Irresistible;
I like to take photos for butterflies,
When for my room they got in,
For luck Sake, I think;
But,this time I raised,
High in the sky,
I felt life and something,
Remain prolonging,
And with echo whispering,
Even if you got far;
And,I got an immortal photo with,
Marvelous astonishing, Season butterfly;
Fly may God bless you;
In the happiness,
With all of my hope to,
Meeting you once again,
In a fantastic moments like;
Until then,
"Here I am",
With a thing's missing,Which you've stolen,
Though I wish, too,
With all happiness and joy to remain,
You "May Queen".
26th Aug. 09
Sunday, 11 October 2009
أسكن الغسق الأرض
الغسق و الشفق
أمضى الغسق للحظات
سكينة الأمان
أم أمان السكون
موعد مع الملائكة
مع الله
تأمل صمت الجاهلية
"تأمل "قفا نبك على ذكرى
مع الأفق آية
ومع أنفسنا لاهية
لاهي تنسى ولا تشبع
لاهي تسكت ولا ترحم
هي لاتقارن حتى بجمال الغسق و شهرته
والسكون تأبى
ولكن الغسق سكن
وأسكن كل نفس
وأسكن الأرض
ورسم جمالا في جبين السماء
أمضى الغسق للحظات
سكينة الأمان
أم أمان السكون
موعد مع الملائكة
مع الله
تأمل صمت الجاهلية
"تأمل "قفا نبك على ذكرى
مع الأفق آية
ومع أنفسنا لاهية
لاهي تنسى ولا تشبع
لاهي تسكت ولا ترحم
هي لاتقارن حتى بجمال الغسق و شهرته
والسكون تأبى
ولكن الغسق سكن
وأسكن كل نفس
وأسكن الأرض
ورسم جمالا في جبين السماء
Saturday, 10 October 2009
The Sound of Raining
Have we ever thought to give the raining sound a name?
An attribute
An idiosyncrasy
Let me give the sound of raining an adjective, a name, an attribute...
The sound of Raining is the peace, happiness and secret of being happy alone!
Peace, and joy
Calmness, and carelessness without any guiltiness,
The sound of innocence,
The sound of new life,
With every drop you can see the pureness,
With these all drops together drawing the image of new life,
singing together: “This is just the secret of life, please enjoy, for sometimes, just sometimes, because we are not going to be around forever, so this is your chance, take some life for some moments, for just sometimes....”
11PM~12:39 AM, 7th-8th October 09
An attribute
An idiosyncrasy
Let me give the sound of raining an adjective, a name, an attribute...
The sound of Raining is the peace, happiness and secret of being happy alone!
Peace, and joy
Calmness, and carelessness without any guiltiness,
The sound of innocence,
The sound of new life,
With every drop you can see the pureness,
With these all drops together drawing the image of new life,
singing together: “This is just the secret of life, please enjoy, for sometimes, just sometimes, because we are not going to be around forever, so this is your chance, take some life for some moments, for just sometimes....”
11PM~12:39 AM, 7th-8th October 09
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Me and My Friends
My friends, we know how hard to be in troubles and wishing someone were there.I, most of the times, face such moments. But still sometimes a friend finds me and gives me the shoulder and hands. And for the other times,I am taking the challenge to help myself. As it is the only way,and no one there for me but me. And to help me,I should help my friends, by being always their friend. And in sometimes, the shoulder and the hands. Even if sometimes we are not friends, but definitely we are in deeper.
My friends,I am always here for me and for you.
A friend in Jordan told me after I left: "When you need a help, ask God. He is the only One Who helps." My friend was almost right, but she forgot that God helps us only when we purely want and seriously try to help us. He helps us through us.
The writer
8th October
My friends,I am always here for me and for you.
A friend in Jordan told me after I left: "When you need a help, ask God. He is the only One Who helps." My friend was almost right, but she forgot that God helps us only when we purely want and seriously try to help us. He helps us through us.
The writer
8th October
Monday, 14 September 2009
A Poem for My Queen "AL ZAHRA'A", My Queen Ever Since
مشتقلك ياوردة دافئة ،
ارتاحت على ورقها الخمري ندى،
برقة غصنها شامخة تهمس،
لمن سمعها يحيى
ولمن جالسها يسعد،
ولمن قطفها يندم،
عطر فاح نال كل مدرك،
أسر الألباب
عاش في معبد،
ازهري كل حديقة
وانشري دفئا كم له افتقد
عيشي ياأمل
أملي بك كل فرح
فأنت البسمة التي ارتسمت
والتي رسمت
على خدي جنة
كل من مر بخدي يسعد
وعلى شفتاي بسمة أخرى
كل ما أريدها
أذكر زهرة.
ارتاحت على ورقها الخمري ندى،
برقة غصنها شامخة تهمس،
لمن سمعها يحيى
ولمن جالسها يسعد،
ولمن قطفها يندم،
عطر فاح نال كل مدرك،
أسر الألباب
عاش في معبد،
ازهري كل حديقة
وانشري دفئا كم له افتقد
عيشي ياأمل
أملي بك كل فرح
فأنت البسمة التي ارتسمت
والتي رسمت
على خدي جنة
كل من مر بخدي يسعد
وعلى شفتاي بسمة أخرى
كل ما أريدها
أذكر زهرة.
Friday, 4 September 2009
The Polish-Actress-Style Glasses
Entrance: "Sorry, It's hard to get divorced with me. So, you are stuck"
That pink shirt,
With the Polish-actress-style glasses,
With the smile that talks,
Not only her smile,
But the every single gesture of her,
Adorable face,
And, the hair letting on,
And, the whispers,
That smile with a satisfying amount of,
Dependence, trust, and confidence;
Oh is it a "deja vu"?
This is the time,
The linear or the circular?
"I like the circular",
And, "I like both";
It's not the mystery of time,
Nor the space;
It's about her eyes,
As a piece of ocean,
Deeply enchanting;
To be continued
That pink shirt,
With the Polish-actress-style glasses,
With the smile that talks,
Not only her smile,
But the every single gesture of her,
Adorable face,
And, the hair letting on,
And, the whispers,
That smile with a satisfying amount of,
Dependence, trust, and confidence;
Oh is it a "deja vu"?
This is the time,
The linear or the circular?
"I like the circular",
And, "I like both";
It's not the mystery of time,
Nor the space;
It's about her eyes,
As a piece of ocean,
Deeply enchanting;
To be continued
Our Next First Dinner Together
She tried hardly..
To fight against,
To freeze...
Not ....... anymore;
But, by the end it was hard to invite her once again;
But, superior-hands opened the door once again,
And, she's invited to my dinner!... ... Read more
It's my pleasure, indeed,
With that beauty that holds a beast inside;
Let's see how our research will walk,
Will it besides the moon,
Or under the rain?
But, who could imagine,
Last dinner my friends wanted to tell my story once again!
And, she was a memory from the past,
Is it to learn that the past could be the future, too?
Or, we've been collecting some flowers, candles, and the words,
For our next first dinner together?
To fight against,
To freeze...
Not ....... anymore;
But, by the end it was hard to invite her once again;
But, superior-hands opened the door once again,
And, she's invited to my dinner!... ... Read more
It's my pleasure, indeed,
With that beauty that holds a beast inside;
Let's see how our research will walk,
Will it besides the moon,
Or under the rain?
But, who could imagine,
Last dinner my friends wanted to tell my story once again!
And, she was a memory from the past,
Is it to learn that the past could be the future, too?
Or, we've been collecting some flowers, candles, and the words,
For our next first dinner together?
Thursday, 27 August 2009
The Last Cigarette Together --A Poem For My Friend Nic Keating
The Last cigarette together,
It goes forever,
Miles and miles no matter;
It is last but not least,
We were friends, no doubt,
We had times of fanaticism,
But, I haven't realized,
How great you are,
But, that moments,
To “Goodbye” saying,
I just recognized,
How close and real,
We are being,
How much both,
For each are meaning
You came to have that smoke together,
I rolled twice,
And, pardon me I was in a fast,
I cannot break, because
I am fasting for God,
The first smoke for you,
And the second is for me, you to smoke;
We couldn't have the chance for sunrise to live,
For no reason, but,
Only because you are the “Sunrise”;
“The Princesa” and I we both by heart know,
How sensitive, romantic and special you are;
It's night, now, and I am rolling,
The cigarette as you would,
And I am smoking our Noon moments,
Into my chest breathing,
In retrospect, of our friendship,
As it is high, long and wide as a marine ship;
Last moments but not least,
Last cigarette together, but
We both believe that it is,
Only the inception,
To an eternity of,
Wonderland story,
But, it is not a wonderland,
It is rather the land living-hearted friends,
With a unique system of time,
That began at that moment of our,
Last cigarette together.
27th-28th of Aug. 09
It goes forever,
Miles and miles no matter;
It is last but not least,
We were friends, no doubt,
We had times of fanaticism,
But, I haven't realized,
How great you are,
But, that moments,
To “Goodbye” saying,
I just recognized,
How close and real,
We are being,
How much both,
For each are meaning
You came to have that smoke together,
I rolled twice,
And, pardon me I was in a fast,
I cannot break, because
I am fasting for God,
The first smoke for you,
And the second is for me, you to smoke;
We couldn't have the chance for sunrise to live,
For no reason, but,
Only because you are the “Sunrise”;
“The Princesa” and I we both by heart know,
How sensitive, romantic and special you are;
It's night, now, and I am rolling,
The cigarette as you would,
And I am smoking our Noon moments,
Into my chest breathing,
In retrospect, of our friendship,
As it is high, long and wide as a marine ship;
Last moments but not least,
Last cigarette together, but
We both believe that it is,
Only the inception,
To an eternity of,
Wonderland story,
But, it is not a wonderland,
It is rather the land living-hearted friends,
With a unique system of time,
That began at that moment of our,
Last cigarette together.
27th-28th of Aug. 09
© 2009 Ahmad Elghafari All Rights Reserved
She Makes Me Feel Home
She pured tenderness on an iced-body;
Cup after a cup;
A hostage for my innocence,
Whom I've been keeping safe,
From the bad hands;
A hostage welcomes my innocence,
With greeting and cherishing,
Admiring and caring;
Hugging until I feel baby;
Not only baby;
Not only a hug;
I felt cradling.
Like a baby;
Like home.
The 24th
Cup after a cup;
A hostage for my innocence,
Whom I've been keeping safe,
From the bad hands;
A hostage welcomes my innocence,
With greeting and cherishing,
Admiring and caring;
Hugging until I feel baby;
Not only baby;
Not only a hug;
I felt cradling.
Like a baby;
Like home.
The 24th
From Y-Land
He said: "I am from New Zealand",
She said: "I am from Netherlands";
I said: "I am from Never-land".
She said: "I am from Netherlands";
I said: "I am from Never-land".
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
When You Know
When you know when to speak,
And when as silent you keep;
When you know when to move,
And, a nape when to take;
When you know when to smile,
Rather than to laugh;
And when to shed tears,
And to wipe them away;
Knowing and letting to walk,
Rather than to ride a vehicle;
When writing the diary you keep,
And when you feel it is too hard;
When you have a coincidence,
You do not ask,
You just appreciate;
Because you won't know,
Although. You think thoroughly and deeply;
When you know what this,
and what that meant to be;
When you know the white spot inside,
you, and inside thee;
When you know that eyes don't get blind,
But, the hearts do,
And, to save your heart from getting blind,
And, when you stop saying “Love is blind,”
Rather, you say: “You or I might be blind.”
When you know how birds differ,
And, how fishes breath;
And, why the whale is a mammal?
When you know,
You still know not a thing!
When you prefer the white shoes,
Instead of the navy blue ones,
And, the navy blue socks, rather,
the white socks,
Only, the silky sexy masculine translucent navy blue socks.
When you know how to make someone smiles,
And, you hear from them;
When you realize that you need more time,
And, you do never have more time,
You only have time;
When you know how to accept the change,
How to change,
And, to change;
When you believe your pain today is your happiness tomorrow;
You had sorrow yesterday,
To realize the happiness of everyday.
17th of August, 09
And when as silent you keep;
When you know when to move,
And, a nape when to take;
When you know when to smile,
Rather than to laugh;
And when to shed tears,
And to wipe them away;
Knowing and letting to walk,
Rather than to ride a vehicle;
When writing the diary you keep,
And when you feel it is too hard;
When you have a coincidence,
You do not ask,
You just appreciate;
Because you won't know,
Although. You think thoroughly and deeply;
When you know what this,
and what that meant to be;
When you know the white spot inside,
you, and inside thee;
When you know that eyes don't get blind,
But, the hearts do,
And, to save your heart from getting blind,
And, when you stop saying “Love is blind,”
Rather, you say: “You or I might be blind.”
When you know how birds differ,
And, how fishes breath;
And, why the whale is a mammal?
When you know,
You still know not a thing!
When you prefer the white shoes,
Instead of the navy blue ones,
And, the navy blue socks, rather,
the white socks,
Only, the silky sexy masculine translucent navy blue socks.
When you know how to make someone smiles,
And, you hear from them;
When you realize that you need more time,
And, you do never have more time,
You only have time;
When you know how to accept the change,
How to change,
And, to change;
When you believe your pain today is your happiness tomorrow;
You had sorrow yesterday,
To realize the happiness of everyday.
17th of August, 09
Where Are You Now?
“Where are you now?
I am at a place of these places that we lived, visited, and had our fantastic moments. Moments blessed by the scent, the core, the meaning of your name.”
أمشي و عيناي تحملان دمعاتهما،
شاخصتان ثقيلتان،
تريقان الدمع الغزير من جرح أوسطهما،
سيف حده قطع الأوردة؛
تريقان الدمع لحزن أشغلهما،
لفرح لغضب،
حتى حرقت وجنتيي دمعاتهما،
حتى على الأرض وقعت،
كخيل مصاب بالركب.
16th Aug. 09
I am at a place of these places that we lived, visited, and had our fantastic moments. Moments blessed by the scent, the core, the meaning of your name.”
أمشي و عيناي تحملان دمعاتهما،
شاخصتان ثقيلتان،
تريقان الدمع الغزير من جرح أوسطهما،
سيف حده قطع الأوردة؛
تريقان الدمع لحزن أشغلهما،
لفرح لغضب،
حتى حرقت وجنتيي دمعاتهما،
حتى على الأرض وقعت،
كخيل مصاب بالركب.
16th Aug. 09
Monday, 10 August 2009
I Like After Tea!
We were sipping tea;
And, I asked her:
“Do you like anything?”
She said: “Yes, after tea!”
I didn't find a clue;
But, there's something behind the blue;
I added the following words,
After 1000 years:
“I've been in my mind lost;
Thoroughly thinking of an algorithm;
At the same time I needed a bit,
From the Shop to buy something,
There were a lot,
Of people ,
In line long;
Staff mentioned with polite:
“Would you like to be in the queue?”
I replied: “I like after Q.”
27 June-10 Aug.
And, I asked her:
“Do you like anything?”
She said: “Yes, after tea!”
I didn't find a clue;
But, there's something behind the blue;
I added the following words,
After 1000 years:
“I've been in my mind lost;
Thoroughly thinking of an algorithm;
At the same time I needed a bit,
From the Shop to buy something,
There were a lot,
Of people ,
In line long;
Staff mentioned with polite:
“Would you like to be in the queue?”
I replied: “I like after Q.”
27 June-10 Aug.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
I am Sick - Je Suis Malade
Entrance: "Frankly, I am eating too much, and I have no idea why?," I said.
"Oh' you are for sure sick!", She commented with concern.
I had been living as I thought
I had been surviving as I hoped
I had been taking away
From my soul
From my heart
Lonely nights
Dark more than black
A beast was not!
Nightmares had been shaking my bed
Stealing my little moments of rest
I had been not being able to get sick
Because I had been not alive being!
My pipe had been helping,
To my boat steering;
The winds couldn't extinguishing,
My pleasure while piping;
The ocean had been trying,
To my boat stealing;
That ocean had been in anger,
Severely, mysteriously and continuously trying
To my voyage for succeeding;
That is I had been hindered,
My body, my soul to sick being
And my heart had been still under exiling.
At the shore we have met
But, with a story you let
I doubted but for sure you did insist
Another heart in your life does exist
No chance with as it would be a sin
And, kept with iced-bed
With pipe and cigarette
That might succor
Such friends besides a book
When you have appeared
With your tears being shed
My heart so deep got hurt
And you I have been there
While you were for me injuring;
Not you but the grief,
Of your face and your eyes,
And your tears
Passing my chest like a knife,
Cutting to twice,
Three, ten,
Or more I've forgotten!
Your tears for my life bringing,
That I sensed the sorrow,
And the happiness,
Inside you and what is surrounding;
My tear have dropped,
A tender giving,
They have gone out of my eyes,
But, indeed they have fallen,
Off on my heart..
And, no one knows whose tears dropped on whom heart!
Because I needed to be sick,
And, Because I had been not alive being!
I had been not being able to get sick;
Howbeit, I have started to alive being,
It is my turn to get sick;
For long long and a day I have been needing
To feeling,
A soul, a heart and a dreaming;
When you wish me a sweet dreaming,
I am alive and sick of being,
To your heart deeply attaching;
Yest I am sick what can you do for me waiting,
Nights, nights and a night pipe smoking,
A cigarette cannot for my pleasure satisfying,
And cafe cups of cups and a cup drinking,
For you a once sharing;
I am sick, yes, what can you doing?
I am sick I've been seeing,
You everywhere like an angel;
I am sick I am singing
While walking,
I am sick.. I am happy,
That I had been really craving,
A sick being;
But, my boat, ocean and sailing;
But, my heart was out living,
I had been not being able to sick getting
But, I am alive
So I can in sick being
I am so glad
I shall smoke with more pleasure,
With aromatic tobacco,
With smoke I have bringing
Answers for my questions;
I am sick
I am sick
I am sick.
"Oh' you are for sure sick!", She commented with concern.
I had been living as I thought
I had been surviving as I hoped
I had been taking away
From my soul
From my heart
Lonely nights
Dark more than black
A beast was not!
Nightmares had been shaking my bed
Stealing my little moments of rest
I had been not being able to get sick
Because I had been not alive being!
My pipe had been helping,
To my boat steering;
The winds couldn't extinguishing,
My pleasure while piping;
The ocean had been trying,
To my boat stealing;
That ocean had been in anger,
Severely, mysteriously and continuously trying
To my voyage for succeeding;
That is I had been hindered,
My body, my soul to sick being
And my heart had been still under exiling.
At the shore we have met
But, with a story you let
I doubted but for sure you did insist
Another heart in your life does exist
No chance with as it would be a sin
And, kept with iced-bed
With pipe and cigarette
That might succor
Such friends besides a book
When you have appeared
With your tears being shed
My heart so deep got hurt
And you I have been there
While you were for me injuring;
Not you but the grief,
Of your face and your eyes,
And your tears
Passing my chest like a knife,
Cutting to twice,
Three, ten,
Or more I've forgotten!
Your tears for my life bringing,
That I sensed the sorrow,
And the happiness,
Inside you and what is surrounding;
My tear have dropped,
A tender giving,
They have gone out of my eyes,
But, indeed they have fallen,
Off on my heart..
And, no one knows whose tears dropped on whom heart!
Because I needed to be sick,
And, Because I had been not alive being!
I had been not being able to get sick;
Howbeit, I have started to alive being,
It is my turn to get sick;
For long long and a day I have been needing
To feeling,
A soul, a heart and a dreaming;
When you wish me a sweet dreaming,
I am alive and sick of being,
To your heart deeply attaching;
Yest I am sick what can you do for me waiting,
Nights, nights and a night pipe smoking,
A cigarette cannot for my pleasure satisfying,
And cafe cups of cups and a cup drinking,
For you a once sharing;
I am sick, yes, what can you doing?
I am sick I've been seeing,
You everywhere like an angel;
I am sick I am singing
While walking,
I am sick.. I am happy,
That I had been really craving,
A sick being;
But, my boat, ocean and sailing;
But, my heart was out living,
I had been not being able to sick getting
But, I am alive
So I can in sick being
I am so glad
I shall smoke with more pleasure,
With aromatic tobacco,
With smoke I have bringing
Answers for my questions;
I am sick
I am sick
I am sick.
Saturday, 8 August 2009
A Voyage in The Eyes
Entrance: "Do you know that I love you?", she said.
A voyage in the eyes
Traveling through mines
Sensing till cries
Cherishing the times
And names
The souls
Swim like
A body on a calm sea
Not a blue sea
Not dark eyes
Lots of stories
Long stories
Meeting at the right time
Was it?
Who knows?
We don't know
We are supposed not to know
What is the pleasure then if we do?
A voyage in the eyes
While my bed becomes warm
My pillow embraces me
And, a summer begins
Like a winter
The image remains in the hearts
Like an angel
Wherever I look
I sea the face
of smiles
of mysteries
Let cry for her
Let cry for yourself
A voyage in the eyes
That remains
In the hearts
Safe as it is immortal。
Thursday 6日
A voyage in the eyes
Traveling through mines
Sensing till cries
Cherishing the times
And names
The souls
Swim like
A body on a calm sea
Not a blue sea
Not dark eyes
Lots of stories
Long stories
Meeting at the right time
Was it?
Who knows?
We don't know
We are supposed not to know
What is the pleasure then if we do?
A voyage in the eyes
While my bed becomes warm
My pillow embraces me
And, a summer begins
Like a winter
The image remains in the hearts
Like an angel
Wherever I look
I sea the face
of smiles
of mysteries
Let cry for her
Let cry for yourself
A voyage in the eyes
That remains
In the hearts
Safe as it is immortal。
Thursday 6日
Thursday, 6 August 2009
My Suitcase
I want to write and write
I want to express the winds hitting inside my chest
Lots of thoughts
Many questions
Myriad of emotions
A lost soul
A future
With a vision
But long time
Pleasures and passions
And people
With lots of memories
My suitcase becomes old
And too small
To carry all these things
I should find a suitcase that suits
The memories
A new suitcase
But I could only get
A pencil
What could I do?
I am in a need
For a new suitcase
Last month
My clock has stopped once
But now it doesn't
I need it
To stop now
May that give me
A time
But wait!
Isn't a paradox?
How could I have time
If my clock stopped?
Oh' what to do?
It is a hard question
And I still need
A new suitcase
I want to express the winds hitting inside my chest
Lots of thoughts
Many questions
Myriad of emotions
A lost soul
A future
With a vision
But long time
Pleasures and passions
And people
With lots of memories
My suitcase becomes old
And too small
To carry all these things
I should find a suitcase that suits
The memories
A new suitcase
But I could only get
A pencil
What could I do?
I am in a need
For a new suitcase
Last month
My clock has stopped once
But now it doesn't
I need it
To stop now
May that give me
A time
But wait!
Isn't a paradox?
How could I have time
If my clock stopped?
Oh' what to do?
It is a hard question
And I still need
A new suitcase
The Introduction
Ten years
twenty years
twenty seven ones
Or fifty of them
Still it doesn't change
An introduction does be
A thing does never change
There is always a change
at each one there is an introduction
The age does not matter
The how many years is not a rational counter!
And, if there is no reason
But one remains to define I could
Introduction does exist
With every new sunrise
With early birds
I like my introduction with cafe
I like it with a cup of water
Since water is transparent
And Cafe is romantic
The table, cafe and water
Exist at all introductions, may
Howbeit, they were much sweeter
In that introduction
The cafe shall be made
For us as you wish
For the introduction
That will be like la lumiere de lune
Entrance does through
The window
A spot on the room
A chimney fires draws
On the walls
The words
We spell
By the eyes
Who become sick
Not to embarrass
But to embrace
An introduction is life
Ten years
twenty years
twenty seven ones
Or fifty of them
It does not matter
What matters is
To be able cry when you need
To let cry
What matters is
Was your shoulder there?
And do you find a shoulder when you really need?
How many tear drops you've shed
How many tear drops you've dried
It is an introduction
And the introduction is everything.
twenty years
twenty seven ones
Or fifty of them
Still it doesn't change
An introduction does be
A thing does never change
There is always a change
at each one there is an introduction
The age does not matter
The how many years is not a rational counter!
And, if there is no reason
But one remains to define I could
Introduction does exist
With every new sunrise
With early birds
I like my introduction with cafe
I like it with a cup of water
Since water is transparent
And Cafe is romantic
The table, cafe and water
Exist at all introductions, may
Howbeit, they were much sweeter
In that introduction
The cafe shall be made
For us as you wish
For the introduction
That will be like la lumiere de lune
Entrance does through
The window
A spot on the room
A chimney fires draws
On the walls
The words
We spell
By the eyes
Who become sick
Not to embarrass
But to embrace
An introduction is life
Ten years
twenty years
twenty seven ones
Or fifty of them
It does not matter
What matters is
To be able cry when you need
To let cry
What matters is
Was your shoulder there?
And do you find a shoulder when you really need?
How many tear drops you've shed
How many tear drops you've dried
It is an introduction
And the introduction is everything.
Rule No.° 2
"Oh' I want to divorce tonight!", she said.
"Tonight! pardon moi; I am busy;ちょっと待ってください! Or you could discuss with my secretary. And, remember you are being obliged to pay to me because you're requesting the divorce." I replied.
"And, I need to approve your prospective wife," she commented with anger!
I told her:
My lady, there is no love in the world would ever replace yours
No woman supersedes another
Every woman has has a kind of love
Each inspires alternatively
Each is unique
The supremeness and immortality nature of hearts
I am not selling your love to gain another
You have a heart who is incomparable to any heart
You are a star shines in the middle of my sky
When I need to smile I look at that star
I could then embrace
The essence of tenderness
That my heart will drink
A drop after a drop
My heart shall be fine
As you are a kind of love
My heart never supersedes your love
Your love is unique
Your love remains
Like a perfume of flowers
No flower shares another's aroma
Jasmine, Rosemary, Gardenia..
Each creates has it's presentia
And you are a world in the worlds
No world looks similar to another
No rose has the another's scent
And, no heart takes the place of yours.
"Oh' I want to divorce tonight!", she said.
"Tonight! pardon moi; I am busy;ちょっと待ってください! Or you could discuss with my secretary. And, remember you are being obliged to pay to me because you're requesting the divorce." I replied.
"And, I need to approve your prospective wife," she commented with anger!
I told her:
My lady, there is no love in the world would ever replace yours
No woman supersedes another
Every woman has has a kind of love
Each inspires alternatively
Each is unique
The supremeness and immortality nature of hearts
I am not selling your love to gain another
You have a heart who is incomparable to any heart
You are a star shines in the middle of my sky
When I need to smile I look at that star
I could then embrace
The essence of tenderness
That my heart will drink
A drop after a drop
My heart shall be fine
As you are a kind of love
My heart never supersedes your love
Your love is unique
Your love remains
Like a perfume of flowers
No flower shares another's aroma
Jasmine, Rosemary, Gardenia..
Each creates has it's presentia
And you are a world in the worlds
No world looks similar to another
No rose has the another's scent
And, no heart takes the place of yours.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
A Lesson Learned - The Woman, Man and Love
I have been taught that the woman does not need to find the love in the man's words.
Instead of, she would find his love in his chest, heart and his secrets.
It doesn't matter how many times you say: "I love you."
Or even how you say it, although she likes to hear it, always!
She would believe it if she could find it drawn on one of your diaries.
It is enough for her to know how much she loves you, and how much she knows about you, and what she would like to know more about you.
She wants to know how much you love her whilst your conscious is in absentia, and she won't tell you what she knew and knows.
She want to see you when you do not recognize, and to hear you when you don't speak.
Until it becomes the man's mission to understand her, to give her and to learn how to get from her.
It is the obstacles that the woman throws testing the man, waiting for his responds, and evaluating.
How could a man solve them?
And, where could he find the right answers?
On which could he rely to when facing troubles?
And how to think to reach an answer?
Should he ask his heart or her heart?
Or depends on what he wants?
What will happen in case of committing a mistake?
And what is his destiny?
Do you know what does a woman mean when she tells you that you are not clear?
Have you ever asked her: "why you are not straightforward?"
She does never ever count herself as vague!
25 July
Instead of, she would find his love in his chest, heart and his secrets.
It doesn't matter how many times you say: "I love you."
Or even how you say it, although she likes to hear it, always!
She would believe it if she could find it drawn on one of your diaries.
It is enough for her to know how much she loves you, and how much she knows about you, and what she would like to know more about you.
She wants to know how much you love her whilst your conscious is in absentia, and she won't tell you what she knew and knows.
She want to see you when you do not recognize, and to hear you when you don't speak.
Until it becomes the man's mission to understand her, to give her and to learn how to get from her.
It is the obstacles that the woman throws testing the man, waiting for his responds, and evaluating.
How could a man solve them?
And, where could he find the right answers?
On which could he rely to when facing troubles?
And how to think to reach an answer?
Should he ask his heart or her heart?
Or depends on what he wants?
What will happen in case of committing a mistake?
And what is his destiny?
Do you know what does a woman mean when she tells you that you are not clear?
Have you ever asked her: "why you are not straightforward?"
She does never ever count herself as vague!
25 July
The Us and Beautiful People - In The World
There are many beautiful people in the world.
We have to know how to find them
How to choose them
We should know how to be their
How to keep their friendships forever.
28 July*
We have to know how to find them
How to choose them
We should know how to be their
How to keep their friendships forever.
28 July*
The Us and Beautiful People
We know that no human on the earth would be able to precisely, accurately and just exactly realizes, understands and feels what we really do by ourselves. Howbeit, we always hope to have people around us whom we could sensibly, clearly, transparently and honestly deal with. And, we'd wanted to cry like babies millions of times, but we have been living in the absence of grace and tender. Sometimes Allah sends us to beautiful people; or sends their innocent souls to us. The moment we be with them, we do become rich and safe. Our life turns to be more enjoyable and beautiful. That moment, we get a shoulder to cry on, an advice we need, and an inspiration to shine in the middle of the sky. We then be deeply aspired to be that shoulder, this friend and brother for them, whenever indeed.
The Romantic Table
I am very well
I am so glad
I am busy so much
I am eating too much
I am sleeping not enough
I am drinking juice and cafe
I am reading many eyes
I am facing many marvelous souls
I am walking at nights
I am living in mountains
I am seeing no moon
I am hearing no sound
But a whisper of angels
I am tasting no food
But sweet lips and hearts
I am dreaming a little
But with secrets and
I am melting but no fire
I am attending romantic tables
Slender glasses of cafe
Beauty and wonder
Charm and allure
Merits to stair at
To set besides
To think and to think
To beat the heart
To spice up
The feelings
To be sailing
It exists as a blue ocean
Or warm sea
myriad of wonders
Not just a wonder
fills the mind with hard questions
With answers but
No answer!
Tranquil as butterfly
Mighty, honourable and amiable as a queen
Smiles as the sun
Fomenters as the winds
Can you imagine?
In that ocean
A boat with a captain
As the voyage lasts
The captain gets tired
And the ocean takes
the chance
Aggressively hits the boat
Cracking, breaking
And, flipping
The captain got disappointed!
He asked the ocean: "why?"
For my life wholly
I've been loving
Within your beauty
Through your irresistible wonder
To my eyes with your allure
For my heart's beats
With your charm
My soul of you In pursuing
Howbeit I am pleased
As immortally
I am sleeping
Inside your heart
And dreaming.
24th July
I am so glad
I am busy so much
I am eating too much
I am sleeping not enough
I am drinking juice and cafe
I am reading many eyes
I am facing many marvelous souls
I am walking at nights
I am living in mountains
I am seeing no moon
I am hearing no sound
But a whisper of angels
I am tasting no food
But sweet lips and hearts
I am dreaming a little
But with secrets and
I am melting but no fire
I am attending romantic tables
Slender glasses of cafe
Beauty and wonder
Charm and allure
Merits to stair at
To set besides
To think and to think
To beat the heart
To spice up
The feelings
To be sailing
It exists as a blue ocean
Or warm sea
myriad of wonders
Not just a wonder
fills the mind with hard questions
With answers but
No answer!
Tranquil as butterfly
Mighty, honourable and amiable as a queen
Smiles as the sun
Fomenters as the winds
Can you imagine?
In that ocean
A boat with a captain
As the voyage lasts
The captain gets tired
And the ocean takes
the chance
Aggressively hits the boat
Cracking, breaking
And, flipping
The captain got disappointed!
He asked the ocean: "why?"
For my life wholly
I've been loving
Within your beauty
Through your irresistible wonder
To my eyes with your allure
For my heart's beats
With your charm
My soul of you In pursuing
Howbeit I am pleased
As immortally
I am sleeping
Inside your heart
And dreaming.
24th July
Saturday, 25 July 2009
There was a wonder
There was a wonder
A light who ensued
I felt and pursued
It wasn’t understood
Like a star in the sky
And almost got no clue
A stairway I climbed
And the star is glittering
You know you won’t reach a star
But, it’s not a star!
Albeit it allured
Howbeit it’s a soul I deeply believed
And merely, did not a thing
But, made many things
With its brilliance and enchants
The eyes and hopes
You know souls are travelling
Meeting and cherishing And, I adore
The moon is absolutely admired
Though for good he’s living so far
The sun got our smiles
To our new days she’s drawing
The bird draw smiles
On faces whose hoping
On faces whose crying
We feel mercy and blessing
And just because they all are there!
I was looking at them wholly
And, adore
Whilst on my stairway
To that star, kept walking
Night by night
Until I became within sight
I took a look
On a planet beside
I dared not to drowse
Though dead tired I was
And yet the star was a soul!
I found it marvellous and glorious
Charming and to breath rouses
For heartbeats awakens
I arrived and really
The soul was amazing
And she held me with careful
Vast of tender and graceful
Immeasurable beauty dressed my shoulders
But I cradled her as
She was crying and
I haven’t known!
Oh, how to wipe her tears away?
I was worried and troubled
The reason was in absentia
But, my heart was in nostalgia
And I had not a thing to do
My heart, my eyes and all of me
Cried with her wholly
Why are you alone?
How could you live away?
You carry a brave heart, indeed
And, my shoulder for her lent
As presente
I just came because of a wonder
And I got a heart beat
For one misses the rhythm
And, I had not a thing to do
But seeing her tears hurts me
I got a wonder
I took the stairway to a star
The star was a beautiful soul
The soul was the wonder
And the wonder was She.
A light who ensued
I felt and pursued
It wasn’t understood
Like a star in the sky
And almost got no clue
A stairway I climbed
And the star is glittering
You know you won’t reach a star
But, it’s not a star!
Albeit it allured
Howbeit it’s a soul I deeply believed
And merely, did not a thing
But, made many things
With its brilliance and enchants
The eyes and hopes
You know souls are travelling
Meeting and cherishing And, I adore
The moon is absolutely admired
Though for good he’s living so far
The sun got our smiles
To our new days she’s drawing
The bird draw smiles
On faces whose hoping
On faces whose crying
We feel mercy and blessing
And just because they all are there!
I was looking at them wholly
And, adore
Whilst on my stairway
To that star, kept walking
Night by night
Until I became within sight
I took a look
On a planet beside
I dared not to drowse
Though dead tired I was
And yet the star was a soul!
I found it marvellous and glorious
Charming and to breath rouses
For heartbeats awakens
I arrived and really
The soul was amazing
And she held me with careful
Vast of tender and graceful
Immeasurable beauty dressed my shoulders
But I cradled her as
She was crying and
I haven’t known!
Oh, how to wipe her tears away?
I was worried and troubled
The reason was in absentia
But, my heart was in nostalgia
And I had not a thing to do
My heart, my eyes and all of me
Cried with her wholly
Why are you alone?
How could you live away?
You carry a brave heart, indeed
And, my shoulder for her lent
As presente
I just came because of a wonder
And I got a heart beat
For one misses the rhythm
And, I had not a thing to do
But seeing her tears hurts me
I got a wonder
I took the stairway to a star
The star was a beautiful soul
The soul was the wonder
And the wonder was She.
Is It a Bowl of Cherries?
Although some picture life as a game or
A bowl of cherries.
And, may be sometimes it is!
I say life is
The secrets the woman holds
For a man who she took sensitive moments
And paid abundant attentions
All along with perseverance
to understand, keep safe and
Live with them as her heart's rhythms.
She loves these secrets and worships them
Because for her,
This is one of her man's dear things,
They are embraced in her man...
The man with his secrets
Are just and only for her.
She will fight,
Stronger than a warrior at the battle,
to keep these secrets alive..
To keep her man alive
The man needs much more time
To realize her secrets.
But, when she allows us
And reveals
We should cherish and
Carefully deals with.
We shouldn't ever let a woman
Shed tears, at all!
Unless we're leaving her forever.
And, there's no in between;
Either black or white
no light pink and no dark red
Red or Yellow!
A bowl of cherries.
And, may be sometimes it is!
I say life is
The secrets the woman holds
For a man who she took sensitive moments
And paid abundant attentions
All along with perseverance
to understand, keep safe and
Live with them as her heart's rhythms.
She loves these secrets and worships them
Because for her,
This is one of her man's dear things,
They are embraced in her man...
The man with his secrets
Are just and only for her.
She will fight,
Stronger than a warrior at the battle,
to keep these secrets alive..
To keep her man alive
The man needs much more time
To realize her secrets.
But, when she allows us
And reveals
We should cherish and
Carefully deals with.
We shouldn't ever let a woman
Shed tears, at all!
Unless we're leaving her forever.
And, there's no in between;
Either black or white
no light pink and no dark red
Red or Yellow!
Thursday, 5 March 2009
What Have We Done for Our Nation?.. What We Do?
This world after all is for us
For our daughters and sons
We consume its resources
We use the green which becomes gray
inch after inch
This land, country is for us
and for the generations are coming in few years and decades
What do we leave for them?
What have we done for our nation?.. what we do?
To be continue
For our daughters and sons
We consume its resources
We use the green which becomes gray
inch after inch
This land, country is for us
and for the generations are coming in few years and decades
What do we leave for them?
What have we done for our nation?.. what we do?
To be continue
Monday, 9 February 2009
Every time I Commit an Engagement To
When I was kid
And, the school was so close to open for the starting a new year
My parents used to get for me these new stuff, dress, shoes, materials, and extra
And, for every occasion I wanted to celebrate
Happily with full of innocent pleasures, I’ve been got some new things for new, shiny and fresh looks
Year after year, I’ve been turning to get engage to moments by myself
As well, for getting new stuff
Till the engagement becomes with no glad
It’s seemingly sensed like as a routine
But, like some other people who wait for the wedding day,
Especially the ladies
I’m feeling the same this time
With a bit difference
My newly wedding ceremony has unusual kind of bride
She’s Japan
And, I’m planning for this occasion with a black checklist
With no fiancée
And, the school was so close to open for the starting a new year
My parents used to get for me these new stuff, dress, shoes, materials, and extra
And, for every occasion I wanted to celebrate
Happily with full of innocent pleasures, I’ve been got some new things for new, shiny and fresh looks
Year after year, I’ve been turning to get engage to moments by myself
As well, for getting new stuff
Till the engagement becomes with no glad
It’s seemingly sensed like as a routine
But, like some other people who wait for the wedding day,
Especially the ladies
I’m feeling the same this time
With a bit difference
My newly wedding ceremony has unusual kind of bride
She’s Japan
And, I’m planning for this occasion with a black checklist
With no fiancée
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Lucky She
Lucky she, who could find my heart’s key
Lucky she, who could prepare me my night
Lucky she, who could believe that my night is not but a table with some red candles
Shadows, souls, and moments
Tongue tones, rhythm of night and moon with silver light
And, a night
With a black hat, red dress and a dance
A longest lasting step
Amongst stars…
with no moon but she
Lucky she, who could define me love
Lucky she, who could make sleep
Lucky she, who could prepare me a cup of tea
With no sugar
With no spoon
With no body but she
With cherish
Lucky she, who could prepare me my night
Lucky she, who could believe that my night is not but a table with some red candles
Shadows, souls, and moments
Tongue tones, rhythm of night and moon with silver light
And, a night
With a black hat, red dress and a dance
A longest lasting step
Amongst stars…
with no moon but she
Lucky she, who could define me love
Lucky she, who could make sleep
Lucky she, who could prepare me a cup of tea
With no sugar
With no spoon
With no body but she
With cherish
Lucky He
Lucky he, who could know you well
Lucky he, who could really realize how smart you are
Lucky he, who could really define the strong character of you
Lucky he, who could really imagine you with him on the dinner table
With the red candles...
Lucky he, who could make you fall in love with him
Lucky he, whom you could let him show you how much he's in love with you
How much he cherishes you
Lucky he, who could really realize how smart you are
Lucky he, who could really define the strong character of you
Lucky he, who could really imagine you with him on the dinner table
With the red candles...
Lucky he, who could make you fall in love with him
Lucky he, whom you could let him show you how much he's in love with you
How much he cherishes you
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Thursday, 22 January 2009
On Apology Day
I apologize to whom for I committed a mistake
Involuntarily or with care
I apologize to whom I should’ve smiled to them
I apologize to whom I could’ve helped them
I apologize to myself and to Intelligile that I have no choice but to travel!
Involuntarily or with care
I apologize to whom I should’ve smiled to them
I apologize to whom I could’ve helped them
I apologize to myself and to Intelligile that I have no choice but to travel!
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
It’s Hard to Be Married And You Are In Love With Another!
Sorry, seems to be the hardest word!
Sorry, it’s hard to be married and you are in love with another
Sorry, I couldn’t find a rose
Sorry, volcanoes in Japan are not better than our deserts, mountains and shores…
Sorry, it’s hard to be married and you are in love with another
Sorry, I couldn’t find a rose
Sorry, volcanoes in Japan are not better than our deserts, mountains and shores…
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
And, we are here
To learn these lessons
It doesn’t matter,
How much we live
It doesn’t matter to living more
It’s how much we learn
How much we did
And, what we do
Let’s keep the rhythm away
And try to hear the tone
Plays with the heart
The all role
Survive with shine
Climb with pride
Hate to sleep
Keep on
Come on
Share me my ride
We’ll pass by the stars
We’ll sing and dance
And, don’t forget
I hate to sleep
Might miss a star
Come on
To the world of light
To the origin of tones
To the land of green
Where Sun rises
Where Moon clearly smiles
But, remember
We cannot meet all the stars
And, we may not see the moon
We are here to learn
To share
The meaning of us
And, we are here
To only whisper
Louder than shouting
But smoother than touching
And here we are
Just to link the moon by
The land!
It doesn’t matter,
How much we live
It doesn’t matter to living more
It’s how much we learn
How much we did
And, what we do
Let’s keep the rhythm away
And try to hear the tone
Plays with the heart
The all role
Survive with shine
Climb with pride
Hate to sleep
Keep on
Come on
Share me my ride
We’ll pass by the stars
We’ll sing and dance
And, don’t forget
I hate to sleep
Might miss a star
Come on
To the world of light
To the origin of tones
To the land of green
Where Sun rises
Where Moon clearly smiles
But, remember
We cannot meet all the stars
And, we may not see the moon
We are here to learn
To share
The meaning of us
And, we are here
To only whisper
Louder than shouting
But smoother than touching
And here we are
Just to link the moon by
The land!
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Marry The World
My wife is the sky with clouds
The see with rocks
The green land with mountains
The flowers with bees
The rain with cold
The sun with days
The moon with nights
Marry the world
Open your eyes
They all are beautiful
They all dedicate you something,
Dreams, roses, colors, romance, love and life
Dedicate you moments and memories
And, learn from them…
Love and how to love
To cry
To shed tears
To cherish,
And, your wife,
The world.
The see with rocks
The green land with mountains
The flowers with bees
The rain with cold
The sun with days
The moon with nights
Marry the world
Open your eyes
They all are beautiful
They all dedicate you something,
Dreams, roses, colors, romance, love and life
Dedicate you moments and memories
And, learn from them…
Love and how to love
To cry
To shed tears
To cherish,
And, your wife,
The world.
And, here you are!
You the most far...the closest
Here you are
Surrounding the night with your swings
With all tenderness and grace
I see you there and everywhere
I see you clear and so vague
And, you’ve been always saying something
And, I’ve always tried to get you
I don’t know if I
But, as I grow up I understand you more
And, more
Wherever I meet you
I find you charming
You are there
But, here you are!
And, there’s no difference whether it’s 1969
Or 1996!
Whether it’s winter or summer
Whether in the north or south
In the desert or top of the mountain
But, you change the mood a little bit on the see
From it on the sands
Many waits for you
Anyway, you don’t care
Whether there’s someone waiting for you
Or no one will wait
You remain cool
With smiley face
Feeling proud
Just proud
And you don’t wait
You act
You show up and disappear
When you want
When you like
The same
With Allure
Or there
Here, you are!
Having the all time
With the all truth
As for me, I’ll wait
For all the years I could live
I’ll wait for you
Here or there
In the east
Or the west
I’ll wait
And, I don’t care
Whether you are beautiful
Or not
Whether I know you
Or not
I just wish
Here, you were
Here you are
Surrounding the night with your swings
With all tenderness and grace
I see you there and everywhere
I see you clear and so vague
And, you’ve been always saying something
And, I’ve always tried to get you
I don’t know if I
But, as I grow up I understand you more
And, more
Wherever I meet you
I find you charming
You are there
But, here you are!
And, there’s no difference whether it’s 1969
Or 1996!
Whether it’s winter or summer
Whether in the north or south
In the desert or top of the mountain
But, you change the mood a little bit on the see
From it on the sands
Many waits for you
Anyway, you don’t care
Whether there’s someone waiting for you
Or no one will wait
You remain cool
With smiley face
Feeling proud
Just proud
And you don’t wait
You act
You show up and disappear
When you want
When you like
The same
With Allure
Or there
Here, you are!
Having the all time
With the all truth
As for me, I’ll wait
For all the years I could live
I’ll wait for you
Here or there
In the east
Or the west
I’ll wait
And, I don’t care
Whether you are beautiful
Or not
Whether I know you
Or not
I just wish
Here, you were
Monday, 12 January 2009
Shall I Cry?
I couldn’t be happiest!
And, it couldn’t be easiest!
But, it’s the happiness
Shall I cry?
Deep inside
Myself, my whole body lived
For a moment, I couldn’t believe
For a moment, I forgot
My name
My life
But, I felt
The moment I said: “It couldn’t be happiest”
Shall I cry?
I want to cry
I really need to cry
I feel so happy, and I want to cry!
Shall I cry?
But, my time is so precious
It’s always been
I trusted my time
I trusted the thing that most worth it
I trusted and cherished
The moment of truth…
But, why shall I cry?
I did nothing
The only thing I did,
Is that I trusted I
I thought I don’t trust myself
But, I did
And, I know nothing
But, when it comes I really know!
Shall I cry?
So, where are you now?
When could we meet, then?
How do you look like?
How is your smile?
How are your words?
How does my ear will love your voice?
I think, now, I shall cry
You might hear my voice!
You might live the moment of truth
With me
Shall I cry?
And, it couldn’t be easiest!
But, it’s the happiness
Shall I cry?
Deep inside
Myself, my whole body lived
For a moment, I couldn’t believe
For a moment, I forgot
My name
My life
But, I felt
The moment I said: “It couldn’t be happiest”
Shall I cry?
I want to cry
I really need to cry
I feel so happy, and I want to cry!
Shall I cry?
But, my time is so precious
It’s always been
I trusted my time
I trusted the thing that most worth it
I trusted and cherished
The moment of truth…
But, why shall I cry?
I did nothing
The only thing I did,
Is that I trusted I
I thought I don’t trust myself
But, I did
And, I know nothing
But, when it comes I really know!
Shall I cry?
So, where are you now?
When could we meet, then?
How do you look like?
How is your smile?
How are your words?
How does my ear will love your voice?
I think, now, I shall cry
You might hear my voice!
You might live the moment of truth
With me
Shall I cry?
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Troubles Are Honest Sunglasses
Troubles show you who really you are
And, the others around
Sea winds never stops
Star will always shine
As long as, the sun rises from the east
And, the others around
Sea winds never stops
Star will always shine
As long as, the sun rises from the east
Friday, 9 January 2009
So, How Are You?
Oh my God! Why Do I care?
Do I miss you?
I don’t know!
Sometimes, I feel I miss you
I look at your face
I remember that lovely, peaceful memories
I look at you
The same gestures
The same as before
Oh My God!
This is you
With innocence
With tenderness
And, as I stay as I remember
Your words
Our past conversations
Our memories…
There, and there
And, here
The smell, the touch the taste
The us!
Everything hit me like winds from every where
And, I am surrounded with a storm squeezing me
Raising me up, and smacking me down
While I am asking myself: “How could I forget my pain? And, how I dare to tell myself that I miss you?”
I may find myself an answer
But, where could I find an answer for this question: “Do You Feel Sorry that You Hurt ME?”…
And, do you feel you lost me?
Do you admit your mistake?
Do you?
Can you confess?
And, why do you look to me like this?
Dare you?
What does make you feel comfortable?
What do you have?
If so, do you really want me now?
Do you really know who am I?
Do you know what we were?
Do you think you really miss and need I this time?
Do you really understand?
Do you really want to try again?
Do you think you will really trust me?
And, cherish me
Cherish me Lady!
I’ve never disappointed you …
Do you want each other to adore?
What do you have?
07-08 Jan. 09
Do I miss you?
I don’t know!
Sometimes, I feel I miss you
I look at your face
I remember that lovely, peaceful memories
I look at you
The same gestures
The same as before
Oh My God!
This is you
With innocence
With tenderness
And, as I stay as I remember
Your words
Our past conversations
Our memories…
There, and there
And, here
The smell, the touch the taste
The us!
Everything hit me like winds from every where
And, I am surrounded with a storm squeezing me
Raising me up, and smacking me down
While I am asking myself: “How could I forget my pain? And, how I dare to tell myself that I miss you?”
I may find myself an answer
But, where could I find an answer for this question: “Do You Feel Sorry that You Hurt ME?”…
And, do you feel you lost me?
Do you admit your mistake?
Do you?
Can you confess?
And, why do you look to me like this?
Dare you?
What does make you feel comfortable?
What do you have?
If so, do you really want me now?
Do you really know who am I?
Do you know what we were?
Do you think you really miss and need I this time?
Do you really understand?
Do you really want to try again?
Do you think you will really trust me?
And, cherish me
Cherish me Lady!
I’ve never disappointed you …
Do you want each other to adore?
What do you have?
07-08 Jan. 09
The Real Challenge; This Is The Way We Live!
And, my father plans to come to say: “Good Bye”
Last night, I was hurt
And, I’ve always been hurt
By miss-do
The whole world flips up-side-down
The whole world is centered around him
My Father
I’ve been always waiting for you
I’ve always liked to have your grace, tenderness and life
Tonight I feel like you’ve been always with me
You play a major role in my life
Now, you see your kid
One day you will really see your kid
Your kid will make the whole world tells who am I
One day,
And, this is my real exam
You’ve given me everything
Tonight I’m satisfied
This is what I’ve been always looking forward
I am glad that I succeed
And, I am glad that you see me
And, I believe now that I mean many things to you
And, this has been my challenge since so long time
But, I am still at the first mile
And, my trip is too long, too
I’ll show you that no one has more than me
Who could be better than I?
Who could be more than your son?
Your son is I
I’ve took my challenge
And, I am still not really satisfied
Since, I’m embedded with the perseverance machine
My blood is contained of goals, persistence, success and winning
I die if I lose one
I die, because my blood will be poor if so
My heart is a machine that cannot beat without a full source of aspiration
And, my aspiration is to make the whole world introduces your son
The Son.
07-08 Jan., 09
Last night, I was hurt
And, I’ve always been hurt
By miss-do
The whole world flips up-side-down
The whole world is centered around him
My Father
I’ve been always waiting for you
I’ve always liked to have your grace, tenderness and life
Tonight I feel like you’ve been always with me
You play a major role in my life
Now, you see your kid
One day you will really see your kid
Your kid will make the whole world tells who am I
One day,
And, this is my real exam
You’ve given me everything
Tonight I’m satisfied
This is what I’ve been always looking forward
I am glad that I succeed
And, I am glad that you see me
And, I believe now that I mean many things to you
And, this has been my challenge since so long time
But, I am still at the first mile
And, my trip is too long, too
I’ll show you that no one has more than me
Who could be better than I?
Who could be more than your son?
Your son is I
I’ve took my challenge
And, I am still not really satisfied
Since, I’m embedded with the perseverance machine
My blood is contained of goals, persistence, success and winning
I die if I lose one
I die, because my blood will be poor if so
My heart is a machine that cannot beat without a full source of aspiration
And, my aspiration is to make the whole world introduces your son
The Son.
07-08 Jan., 09
No Body Cries, But Your Wife!
Your uncle misses you, right!
Your parents, brothers and sisters
But, your wife is hurt
Your uncle came travelling with eyes full of tears
The tears of your uncle…
No one has ever seen!
Your uncle with eyes full of sadness
Full of missing
Full of grief
Full of tears
Your uncle screams among people: “This man is great, we miss this man, we lose this man”
And, what a story a family could live
The family of sorrow
Our family
Loves to have the gloom,
All life ages
And you make them satisfied!
But, who does cry?
No one… But your wife. 07 Jan. 09
Your parents, brothers and sisters
But, your wife is hurt
Your uncle came travelling with eyes full of tears
The tears of your uncle…
No one has ever seen!
Your uncle with eyes full of sadness
Full of missing
Full of grief
Full of tears
Your uncle screams among people: “This man is great, we miss this man, we lose this man”
And, what a story a family could live
The family of sorrow
Our family
Loves to have the gloom,
All life ages
And you make them satisfied!
But, who does cry?
No one… But your wife. 07 Jan. 09
The Challenge!
Most of us like to take the challenge
And, all of them have something to challenge
But, some fail to take the right thing to challenge
And, some other think they challenge the right thing, but in reality they fail, too
And, all of them have something to challenge
But, some fail to take the right thing to challenge
And, some other think they challenge the right thing, but in reality they fail, too
This is written by one of my students
“If you try hard enough, there would be nothing you cannot do. A person who tries many times will find success. Actually, faith is the way that makes a person strong regardless of the difficulties he might face. Whereas another way of thinking is to ask ourselves these questions: Why do I stop at the first time I fail? If I want something or I aim to achieve a goal what would stop me? Simply nothing: because I should exert every single effort to make my goal. This way helps you inspire yourself, or you find an inspiration inside yourself, so you go with no suffer or bother towards your dreams. I think a person will reach self-confidence that is will never give up and be a successful man.”—Ghabi Tabash, Grade 9
(8 Jan., 09)
(8 Jan., 09)
*She, Who Could Make Me Feel Brand-New
وكم كنت أحلم بك معي
وأناملك تسبح بين خصل شعر رأسي
وشفتاك الورديتان تأخذني
وتسافر بي
وأتأمل وجهك
وأحلم .. وأحلم
كيف أحملك
وأمشي بك
تمعنين النظر في عيني
مسلمة مستلقية بين ذراعي
مفتخرا برجولتي.. أشعر بأنوثتك
وكأن جمالك من يحملنا وليست يداي
وكأن قللبك من يغنِ وليست شفتاي
ولساني يتبع تغريدك
وكلمات لا أدري من أين تأتي
Aug. 07
وأناملك تسبح بين خصل شعر رأسي
وشفتاك الورديتان تأخذني
وتسافر بي
وأتأمل وجهك
وأحلم .. وأحلم
كيف أحملك
وأمشي بك
تمعنين النظر في عيني
مسلمة مستلقية بين ذراعي
مفتخرا برجولتي.. أشعر بأنوثتك
وكأن جمالك من يحملنا وليست يداي
وكأن قللبك من يغنِ وليست شفتاي
ولساني يتبع تغريدك
وكلمات لا أدري من أين تأتي
Aug. 07
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