Monday 12 January 2009

Shall I Cry?

I couldn’t be happiest!

And, it couldn’t be easiest!

But, it’s the happiness

Shall I cry?

Deep inside

Myself, my whole body lived

For a moment, I couldn’t believe

For a moment, I forgot

My name

My life


But, I felt

The moment I said: “It couldn’t be happiest”

Shall I cry?

I want to cry

I really need to cry

I feel so happy, and I want to cry!

Shall I cry?

But, my time is so precious

It’s always been

I trusted my time

I trusted the thing that most worth it

I trusted and cherished


The moment of truth…

But, why shall I cry?

I did nothing

The only thing I did,

Is that I trusted I

I thought I don’t trust myself

But, I did

And, I know nothing

But, when it comes I really know!

Shall I cry?

So, where are you now?

When could we meet, then?

How do you look like?

How is your smile?

How are your words?

How does my ear will love your voice?

I think, now, I shall cry

You might hear my voice!

You might live the moment of truth

With me

Shall I cry?

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